dimanche 16 juin 2024

Promo VO du dimanche

dimanche 16 juin 2024

99c SALE! Heartless Havoc by J.L. Leslie is on sale for only 99c! This is a worldwide sale and is only for a very limited time!
“Phenomenal!! …I could not put this book down.” – Goodreads reviewer
“It was absolutely perfect.” – Goodreads reviewer
US: https://amzn.to/4b2g4Zz
UK: https://amzn.to/3VIo1P6
CA: https://amzn.to/3xhFLro
AU: https://amzn.to/3rKQLVS
Heartless Havoc is also FREE to read in Kindle Unlimited and available in audio as well!
Check out all of the Cocky Hero Club releases here ➜ http://www.cockyheroclub.com
I have been called arrogant. Ruthless. Heartless. I don’t consider those characteristics to be insults. If I am arrogant, ruthless, and heartless, then people cower down. I make my own rules and call all the shots. I suppose that’s why people opt to call me by my last name.
It’s very fitting for me. I wreak havoc on anyone who gets in my way. Right now, that person is a beautiful redhead who refuses to play by my rules. Doesn’t she know I’m the only one who’s allowed to break them?
She came out of nowhere. Hit me a like a freight train. Now, she’s the one causing havoc in my life. Destroying everything I have worked for. Taking pieces of me I wasn’t aware I had to give.
They call me arrogant. Ruthless. Heartless. I guess I’ll have to show her exactly how heartless I can be. What kind of havoc I can wreak on her life.
Before she completely ruins me.

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