Présentation de l'éditeur :
It’s time to rise from the ashes and extinguish the flames.
This is a new start.

Deciding to keep the Atlantic City chapter name was the right move.
Not only is the weight of the members on my shoulders, but the immense responsibility of proving ourselves to the city.
I need the community to accept us, to come to us when we need help, and most importantly, I don’t want them to fear us.
But it isn’t going to be easy.
Nothing worth it ever is.
With a winter storm brewing off the coast, this is our chance to open the clubhouse for people who need shelter.
It’s the perfect opportunity to show who we are.
Protectors. Enforcers. Loyalists.
We have nothing but heart.
The heart?
My Scarlett Rose.
Her support pushes me to be my best.
And right when I think my best is enough, the world falls out from under our feet.
Hell is hot and the flames aren’t forgiving during this journey.
To gain something good, we lose something better.
And we have to rise from the ashes all over again.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
I glance around the rink and notice that people aren’t paying us much attention now. They are having their own fun. A few glares here and there, but nothing too terrible. I expected guns, maybe even a little blood to stain this white snow, but I guess I need to rethink my ‘worst scenarios’ since this is a family function.
“You are a freaking sloth, Boom,” Scarlett says, making fun of me.
“Hey, I’m just careful.”
“You look like a newborn baby deer trying to find its legs.”
“That’s mean.”
“Those are the facts, babe.” She clicks her tongue and does the cruelest thing she has ever done to me.
She lets go of my hands.
“I’m going to do a few laps. I’m sure you’ll be around the same spot.”
“Don’t you dare,” I hiss as she lifts her hand and finger waves a farewell to me. “You get back here. What do I do? I don’t know what to do!” I hold out my arms as my feet start to wobble. “Oh man, I’m going to eat fucking ice. I know it,” I say to myself.
Horrible idea. I should have gone to the local casino, but no, I had to go somewhere festive where the locals like to hang and make my appearance. I’m so stupid. Who is going to take me seriously when I look like… what did she call me? A baby deer?
Rude. I’m going to skin her ass later.
“How you doing, Prez?” Teeth asks, crawling on his hands and knees next to me.
“I’m hanging in there. You?”
“Going to go get me a beer. This is a drinking sport,” he says. Teeth looks up at me over his shoulder. His cheeks are red and the red scarf around his neck drags along the ice. “Join me?”
“If I can get there. Crawling is dangerous, Teeth. Someone could fly by and cut your fingers off with the blade on their skates.”
His face turns white and he lifts a hand. “Help me up.”
“No, you’ll bring me down.”
“Help me up, Prez! I didn’t think of that.”
“You got yourself down there, you can get yourself up,” I say, taking a step forward successfully without falling.
His hand wraps around my left ankle, and I hold my breath. “Get off me.”
“No. You’re going to help me, damn it!”
“This was the worst idea ever.”
“You’re just now thinking of that? No shit. None of us know how to skate except Pulse, who had to be a figure skater in his past life. Help me.”
“No!” I try to shake him off, but that’s useless because it causes me to get unbalanced. “You’re a dead man, Teeth,” I say, right before gravity wins. My ass hits the ice so hard the pain vibrates up my spine. I groan in pain and stare up at the night sky. The stars are covered by thick fluffy grey plumes. The snow lands on my face and it feels like a soft tickle against my cheek.
Teeth’s head is propped on my side as he laughs, and I can’t help but to laugh too. “We are so bad at this.”
“Terrible. Let’s not ever do this again,” I say through broken breaths.
Book 2 in the Ruthless Kings MC: Vegas Chapter
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Releasing April 6
K.L. Savage decided they were tired of looking for the kind
of books they wanted to read. They had an itch that needed to be scratched, and
as every girl knows, nothing scratches better than an alpha.
They write about gritty, alpha males, sometimes their dark sides, and the women they love.
They write about gritty, alpha males, sometimes their dark sides, and the women they love.
If you have the same itch, their alpha males should fix that.
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