samedi 21 mai 2022

Dans ma pal... service presse

samedi 21 mai 2022

" Pain perdu et Bachata" de Julia Bru : il sortira le 25 mai chez "J'ai Lu pour elle" et le résumé donne envie de foncer dedans, hein?  Merci aux Editions J'ai Lu. 

Présentation de l'éditeur : 

Bibliothécaire à l’université, Alex, trente ans, se réfugie depuis toujours dans les livres. Habituée à tout contrôler, elle ne se laisse jamais aller à la moindre fantaisie. Quand son amie Lise lui demande de venir l’épauler pour la réouverture de son bar de plage en République dominicaine, elle panique. Pourtant, au fond, n’est-elle pas découragée par son travail et déterminée à fuir Laurent, le goujat qu’elle fréquente ? Après réflexion et contre toute attente, Alex accepte. Une fois sur l’île, elle est enivrée par la beauté des lieux. À Baya, tout est typique et authentique, jusqu’aux mythes et légendes que relatent les habitants... Entre rencontres décisives et amitiés naissantes, grandes découvertes et petits plaisirs, Alex goûte aux saveurs d’un pays exceptionnel. Une chose est sûre : l’été dans les Caraïbes sera inoubliable !

Pour le précommander, c'est par ici : ou

Les tomes 3 et 4 de la série "La chronique des Rokesby" de Julia Quinn : il sortira le 1er juin. 

Présentation de l'éditeur :  

Dans la famille Rokesby, il reste deux fils à marier. D'abord Andrew, qui cache sous ses allures d'impitoyable loup des mers son rôle d'agent secret au service de la Couronne. Puis Nicholas, le cadet, dont la vocation pour la médecine est plus forte que tout. Or, le capitaine au long cours aime trop sa liberté pour y renoncer, et le futur médecin n'envisage son avenir qu'au service des autres. Pas de place pour l'amour ! Qui sait ? Lorsque Poppy Bridgerton, dont la curiosité n'a d'égal que le culot, croise la route d'Andrew, la détermination de l'aventurier prend le large. Et que dire des périls qui menacent la jeune Georgiana Bridgerton ? Seul le sens du devoir de Nicholas peut la sauver...

Pour le précommander, c'est par ici : ou (ebook) 

vendredi 20 mai 2022

Les téléfilms du 20 mai

vendredi 20 mai 2022

  Voici le programme des téléfilms du jour sur TF1 et M6 : téléfilms de suspense sur TF1 (sauf le mercredi) mais romances sur M6

Je vous rappelle que je ne suis ni responsable des retards, ni des téléfilms qui commencent en avance.

13.55 Amoureux de ma prof

Un jeune étudiant, victime d'un accident de voiture, commence à faire des crises de colère. Il s'éprend de sa professeure et commet l'irréparable.

15.40  Liaison dangereuse avec mon professeur 

Karen, une mère célibataire, est très concernée par la réussite scolaire de sa fille Emily. Elle décide d'engager le tuteur Devin pour aider sa fille à avoir de meilleures notes, mais celui-ci devient petit à petit obsédé par Emily qui lui rappelle une fille qu'il a laissée au fond d'une falaise...


14.00 Gage d'amour pour toujours

Propriétaire d'une bijouterie, Kate conçoit des bagues de fiançailles et alliances et adore son métier. Elle n'a pour l'instant jamais eu l'occasion d'en concevoir une pour elle-même. Lors du mariage de sa soeur, elle retrouve son premier amour, Jaimie. Celui-ci lui propose un poste en or comme créatrice dans une grande chaîne de bijouteries située à Chicago. Kate est séduite par l'idée mais hésite à tout quitter pour ce projet.

jeudi 19 mai 2022

Release Blitz... Sortie du jour VO

jeudi 19 mai 2022


Title: Custom Made for You
Series: Coulee Bluffs Book One
Author: Ginger Ring
Release: May 14, 2022
Genre: Sweet, Small Town, Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Kim Killion of the Killion Group

Big City Girl Meets Small Town Life.

Small, scenic, and far from her life in the Twin Cities, Coulee Bluff is the perfect place for Ava Wellington to hide from her politician father’s cheating scandal. Since it’s also her mother’s home town, she now has the chance to finally meet her mom's high school friends and learn more about the community.

Her summer job as a nanny is a stretch. She was raised by one, but Ava intends to leave her country club life far behind and blend in. Falling for a bike builder with tattoos, and a daughter, isn't part of that plan.

Kruz Tanner has been burned in the past by a pretty face, so the last thing he needs is to date someone from across the river. Yet the stunning new redhead in town draws him to her like no other.

Dating her may be a bad idea in more ways than one.

Or maybe his luck is about to change?

Custom Made For You

By Ginger Ring 

Chapter One 

The half-naked man leaning against a mailbox was not what Ava Wellington imagined when her mother warned her to beware of any wildlife standing along the side of the road, but then, she'd never been to her mom’s hometown before.

Ava slowed her car as she drove past, hardly able to believe her eyes. The guy was so drop-dead gorgeous one couldn’t help but gawk. He looked dangerous, all right, but probably not in the way her mother meant. Who would want to "beware" a man like that? If this was normal for Coulee Bluff, Wisconsin, maybe this summer job wouldn’t be too bad after all.

By the time Ava focused back to the road, there, in the middle of the highway, sat a huge rocklike boulder. It was too big to straddle with her car and hitting it would take them both out. She slammed on the brakes, the tires slid on gravel, and her silver Honda skidded to a stop in a shallow ditch. 

Hands shaking and heart pounding, Ava shifted the vehicle into park. Sliding a loose curl behind her ear, she took a deep breath and shook her head. What the heck just happened? 

The sound of knuckles knocking on her window caused her jump.

“Are you okay?” The ‘roadside wildlife’, who’d partially been responsible for her current predicament, stood outside her door. Ava fidgeted in her seat as she tried to figure out which button lowered the side window. After locking and unlocking the door at least twice, she finally found the right switch. The glass lowered, bringing with it a rush of hot, humid air. 

All Ava could do was stare. From a distance it had been his muscled chest catching her attention, up close, it was his face. If guys could be called beautiful, this one certainly was. His deep, blue eyes were almost teal. They were the shade of a tempting pool at a resort she’d once stayed at. She nearly drowned in the swirling water so that should be a red flag to be cautious in this situation as well. And then there was the chiseled jaw, straight nose, and five o'clock shadow he sported. Swoon. It was as if she’d ordered the perfect man delivered to that very mailbox and he’d arrived at her front door.

“Are you all right, Miss?” he asked again. The scent of pine, leather, and gasoline tickled her nose. 

“Yes, I'm fine. Thanks. I guess I got distracted and didn’t see that big rock in the middle of the road.” She blushed and pointed to the slow-moving reptile making his way across the yellow line. Was that a turtle? It was huge. “What is that anyway?”

“It’s a turtle.” Mister tall, dark, and hot answered with a laugh. He rested a forearm on the roof of the car and gestured toward the beast. “Haven't you ever seen a turtle before?”

“Yes, in aquariums. They are usually about this big.” Ava held her hands together in a small circle. “That thing is like a prehistoric monster or something.”

“That’s because it’s a snapping turtle. They’re pretty big.” His smile showed off perfect white teeth. 

“I can see that. Is it dangerous?” She hated to ask but what if she ran into one again? It also gave her a chance to admire him some more. Ava wiped clear the direction her brain had drifted like an eraser to a white board. She’d come to Coulee Bluff to get away from her men problems, not find new ones.

“Yeah, they can be. I wouldn't recommend trying to pick one of up or getting too close. They can snap at you from about a foot away. And I do mean snap.” He emphasized the fact by clamping his fingers and thumb together. “They have a jaw that will take your toe, or finger, right off.” 

“I appreciate the advice, and I will be sure to stay clear of snappers.” Ava laughed. There was no way she’d get within ten feet of one of those things, at least not on purpose. She frowned as he wandered to the front of her car and stopped to take a quick look underneath. Were there more snappers? Hopefully not. Rounding the rear of the car, he came back to her side. 

“Your car looks fine. You should be able to just drive out of the ditch.”

That was a relief.

“Where ya headed?” He stood with a hand resting on his hips, and she couldn’t help but admire the black hair on his pecs and his flat, tan stomach. When she couldn’t find the words, he bent closer. His face was too close for comfort, and Ava breathed in the scent of him again. The man smelled like the outdoors; earthy, and fresh with a touch of what? Something not of nature. Grease, oil, tires? His hands sported a haze of grey as if he’d been working on something dirty.

Returning her attention to those stunning, baby blue eyes, Ava was suddenly hypnotized and unable to look away. A train whistle sounded in the background. A gentle breeze drifted in the window. That rogue lock of hair blew in her eyes again, breaking their connection. 

“I, ah, better get going. Thanks for your assistance with the, um, turtle and all.” 

“My pleasure.” The sexy man stepped back and placed his hands on his slender hips again. Wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, she couldn’t help eying his six pack abs and dark chest hair one more time. Dark jeans accented his long lean legs. Scuffed black work boots completed his country boy outfit. Her mouth dry, she licked her lips. Suddenly she wasn’t in such a hurry to leave. 

“Hey, do you know where 954 Shore View Drive is?” She rested her wrist on the top of the steering wheel as she smiled out the window. Did she appear as awkward as she felt? Thinking of other questions to ask so she could study the lines of various tattoos on his arm. None of the guys at her private, religious school had those. Well, that she knew of. 

“You're on Shore View Drive.” He pointed to the blacktop. “Just keep going down the road about a mile, it's the last one on the right. It's on stilts.”

“Stilts?” Did she hear him right? She’d never heard of a house on legs.

“Actually, they aren't stilts, they're cement pillars. They keep the home above the flood waters, and keep the snakes out.” He moved toward the car.

“Flood waters, snappers, snakes. The rental people said it was a nice place.” Ava felt faint. She hated snakes. Just thinking of them gave her the chills. 

“Don’t worry. It’s a nice place. All the houses along the shore are built above ground. You'll be fine. There aren't any flood concerns right now and if there was, you’d know about it well in advance. The lock and dams protect us here.” 

“What about the snakes? Is it their time of year?” Ava winced as goosebumps rose on her skin.

“Hold on a sec, I'll be right back.” Tall, dark, and handy, jogged back toward the garage. A graceful lope, if she did say so herself. He ran back, carrying a business card in his hand. “Here, take this. If you have any snake problems, give me a call, and I’ll be right over.” He handed her the card.

When his fingers brushed hers, Ava flinched. A jolt ran up her arm sending heat to her cheeks. Did he feel it, too? Regaining her composure, she read the card. Tanner's Custom Bikes, Kruz Tanner, Owner. It was followed by a phone number, address, and a list of some of the services he provided. 

She gave Mr. Tanner the once-over. Damn, a real-life motorcycle man? Even though Kruz had his own business, her father would be appalled to see her conversing with someone that rode a motorcycle, or even worse, made a living working on them. Ava sat up straight. It was time to stop daydreaming and concentrate on finding her new home. She placed the card on top of her purse and shifted her car into drive.

“Well, thank you again. If I encounter any reptiles, I’ll be sure to give you a call.” Ava waved and hit the button to roll up the window. The cool current of air conditioning refreshed her as she drove out of the ditch. After promising herself to keep eyes on the road, Ava risked a quick peek at him in the rear-view mirror. He was still there. In the middle of the road. Watching. The handsome man unnerved her to say the least. Why? It wasn’t like they’d be hanging out or anything. 

Ava had come to Coulee Bluff for the summer to relax in a country setting and to babysit the granddaughter of her mother’s childhood friend. She’d barely made the turn off to Coulee before stopping to drool over a sexy, biker dude. That wasn't like her at all. Ava had always liked the business suit type. Well, to be honest, that was all she’d been exposed to. Proper, rich, and well-mannered young men with the John Wellington stamp of approval clearly visible on their foreheads.

Mr. Tanner looked like a man who wrestled alligators for breakfast and ate fried snakes for lunch; all while welding metal and working on Harleys. The last thing she needed was to get involved with a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks or in her case, the wrong side of the river. Shoving the man’s card deep into a side pocket of her handbag, Ava read the numbers on the mailboxes as she passed. 760, 830; there it was, 945 and yes, believe it or not, it was on stilts.

After turning into the driveway, Ava parked on the gravel next to the house. With purse in hand, she cautiously stepped out into the heat to get a better view of her new home for the summer. Despite the round concrete columns holding it up, the house was similar to your average, ranch-style home. Her heels wobbled on the crushed rock driveway until she safely reached the first step. 

When she stopped at the top of the stairs, Ava turned to survey her new surroundings. Always living in the city, being this close to nature was an over-whelming experience. Taking a deep breath, she inhaled the marshy scents of the nearby river and backwaters. She tried to identify every smell but could only recognize the odors of fish and flowers. The oppressive heat reminded her of swamps and the tropics. Just the brief time outside made her skin glisten with sweat. 

Ava entered the five-digit combination on the keypad lock. Getting the first glimpse of her new digs turned out to be a nice surprise. She hadn’t known what to expect especially after hearing about the stilts and snakes. So far, no snakes, and the stilts were really nothing to worry about unless there was an earthquake. After placing her handbag and car keys on the counter, she took a quick tour of her new surroundings.

The kitchen had fairly new appliances, spotless counters, and even a dishwasher. That probably wouldn’t get much use since it would be just her living there. To the side of the kitchen was a half bath and nearby laundry room. Behind the kitchen were two rooms, a large bedroom with a queen size bed and full bathroom. Next to that was a small room that could be used as an office. The furniture was all clean and appeared brand new. The décor was pretty much an outdoor, cabin theme. A few antique fishing poles and a pair a canoe paddles accented the walls. The color scheme of rusty red, hunter green, and dark brown ran throughout the place.

Ava returned to the kitchen and smiled at the open living room. A 55-inch flat screen TV was visible from any area of the room. On each side of the television where patio doors opening to a screened-in patio. Ava opened the sliding doors and stepped out. It was easy to imagine spending many hours out there reading and viewing the boats traveling up and down the Mississippi. A huge barge floated by in the distance; the crew of the tugboat working on its deck. An eagle soared overhead, and the roar of a railroad train whistle added to the Mississippi River adventure literally right outside her front door. Excitement rushed through her as she grabbed her keys again to unpack the car. There were so many amazing things in the area to capture on canvas she couldn’t wait to get started. It took several trips to gather all her painting and drawing supplies.

As she reached the top step for the final time, her ring tone sounded. Closing the door to nature's clatter, Ava found her cellphone. The name flashed on the screen made her smile. Even though she was twenty-three years old, her mom, Lauren, still checked up on her as much as possible. After the trauma of the last few months, Ava was glad she did.

“Hi, mom. How are you?” A sense of calm settled over her knowing her mother always had her back. 

“I'm fine but I'm calling to see how you are. Did you find the place all right?” She pictured her mom. Her blonde hair styled perfectly, not a hair out of place. Probably dressed in a chic suit, ready for Friday night dinner at the club. Her fingers fidgeting with the strand of pearls around her neck. 

“Yes, I found it just fine. The home is nice, I like it. Dad would call it a dump, but it works for me.” Ava walked out onto the deck to watch the boats go by as she talked. “Why did we never spend summers here? It’s so pretty.”

“You know your father, he’s not one for small towns.” The man hated them. 

“But you grew up here.” It’d always puzzled her why he cringed, or left the room, whenever someone even mentioned Lauren’s hometown. The fact that he’d finally relented to let her spend the summer here was nothing short of a miracle. After graduating college, her father was eager for her to start work in the family business. Unfortunately, burning the candle at both ends for the past year had left her burned out and not willing to continue employment with his marketing team.

Who was she kidding? Once the scandal hit, Ava was the last thing on her father’s mind. Still, it was odd that her mother insisted Ava avoid using her last name and not to mention who her parents were. It was probably for the best. If the local press found out she was here, they’d be all over her for a statement. 

After a brief pause, her mother, interrupted her thoughts. “Have you done anything yet? Stopped anywhere? There are some wonderful wineries and historical sites nearby.”

“I know, and I plan to visit all of them, but I just got here. The first thing I need to do is find a grocery store and buy some supplies.” At the mention of food, her stomach growled. 

“I know there’s a Piggly Wiggly about ten minutes away but there should also be a small convenience store in town, if you don't feel like driving far.”

Ava couldn't help but giggle at her high society mom saying, 'Piggly Wiggly'. It was hard to picture her as a teenager working as a checkout girl, but Lauren had. 

“I’m not sure what I need yet, so I’ll probably just grab something to eat at the first place I see then buy a few things at the gas station.” 

“Well, make sure you call Claire tomorrow morning and get things set up for your job. I know it’s their busy season, so it’ll take a lot off her mind to know you’ve arrived.” 

“Yes, I will.” 

“And don’t worry, Claire knows everything that happened and won’t say a word.” 

“Okay.” Ava answered before an uncomfortable silence set in. She bit her lip, “Mom?”

“Yes, dear?” Lauren replied.

“I know this is your hometown, and you have no family left here, but really, why have we never visited the place?” Things had been strained between her parents for quite some time, but there were just too many unanswered questions about their past. 

“You know your father thinks that everyone that doesn’t live in a big city is a hillbilly. He also doesn't like to be reminded of where I came from. If he knew I’ve remained in contact with Claire all these years, he’d be furious.” 

“But that’s crazy. You two were best friends. What difference does it make?” There was definitely more to the story. 

 “It’s just . . .” a loud sigh followed. “Hey, I think your father’s home. I'll call you again soon, okay?”

“But mom.” 

“I’ve got to go. We’ve reservations at the Pendleton. Talk soon.” 

“All right, have a nice time tonight,” Ava tried to sound hopeful, but their relationship weighed heavy on her mind. 

The call ended with no farewell. It was hard not to worry. If her own life hadn't been such a mess, maybe she’d have figured out what was going on long before her father went astray. Her stomach growled louder, bringing her back to the present. She needed to find some food. It was already past six, and she didn't want to be driving all over an unfamiliar place searching for something to eat. Gas station food would have to do. 

Moments later, Ava put her Honda into reverse and drove toward the center of town. This time instead of looking at mailbox numbers she took a better look at her neighbors. The surrounding homes looked similar to hers. Some had garages or carports underneath. A few had cement pillars holding them up, while others were held in place by iron trusses. A lot of the vehicles parked outside had out of state plates. Boats on trailers were parked nearby. A man grilling outside waved in her direction. At least everyone was friendly so far.

She drove passed Tanner’s closed bike shop. What was the man that’d come to her rescue doing tonight? The guy was probably out for the evening with some tall, gorgeous blond. The thought disturbed her. Why should she care? It was important to guard her heart and not fall for the wrong man again. There had to be a good guy out there for her. One that cared who she was as a person, not what her last name was and what her family’s wealth might gain them.

Ava took a deep breath and crossed her fingers. She always felt like a fish out of water, hopefully coming to Coulée Bluff would help her find her place. A sign proclaiming food, gas, bait, and beer caught her attention. Well, two out four wasn't bad. She did need some food and gas. According to the sign the Kwik Trip was just three blocks away. 

As she headed down the street, Ava turned on the radio. Was it a sign that the song, ‘Don’t worry, Be Happy’ was playing? The next few months were hers to enjoy and experience life outside the city and out from under her father’s thumb. Who knew, maybe Coulee Bluff was exactly where she was meant to be. The seedlings of her mother’s early life were here. She could feel it. Whether they would transfer to her, take root and grow, were yet to be seen. 

Ginger Ring is an award-winning author with a weakness for cheese, dark chocolate, and the Green Bay Packers. She loves reading, watching great movies, and has a quirky sense of humor. Publishing a book has been a lifelong dream of hers and she is excited to share her romantic stories with you. Her heroines are classy, sassy and in search of love and adventure. When Ginger isn’t tracking down old gangster haunts or stopping at historical landmarks, you can find her on the backwaters of the Mississippi River fishing with her husband.

Please check out these other great books by Ginger Ring available at fine online bookstores everywhere.

Love is a Dangerous Thing series
The Gangster’s Kiss
The Gangster’s Woman
The Gangster’s Hand

Genoa Mafia Series
Madison’s Mobster
Crossing Roman
Escaping Ryan
Taken to the Cleaner
Destroying Dominic
Playing Jasper
Chasing Arlo

Coulee Bluff Series- coming soon
Custom Made For You
Cheers For You

The Pink Rose of the Prairie
Red Roses, Black Orchids


Les téléfilms du 19 mai

    Voici le programme des téléfilms du jour sur TF1 et M6 : téléfilms de suspense sur TF1 (sauf le mercredi) mais romances sur M6

Je vous rappelle que je ne suis ni responsable des retards, ni des téléfilms qui commencent en avance.

13.55 Face aux mensonges de ma soeur

Nick et Haley attendent un bébé quand le père de Nick meurt tragiquement dans un accident de chantier. Le jour des funérailles arrive Zara, la demi-sœur de Nick qu'il n'a plus revue depuis qu'elle était enfant. Ils restent tous dans la maison familiale où vit Callie, la fiancée du père. A la lecture du testament, Zara et elle reçoivent une somme d'argent et Nick, tout le reste de la succession, y compris la maison. Zara semble se méfier de Callie, qu'elle accuse d'agir par intérêt. Elle semble également mal supporter que ce soit la marraine du futur enfant. Quand l'avocat de la famille est tué, elle accuse immédiatement Callie qui aurait tout manigancé pour s'accaparer l'héritage. Peu de temps après, Nick est blessé sur un chantier et Haley est agressée chez eux...

15.40 La rédemption de ma fille 

Jennifer Phillips, une jeune femme, vient de perdre son père, après un dur et long combat contre le cancer. Un soir, totalement dévastée par le chagrin, elle prend le volant après avoir trop bu. Elle percute Colin, un étudiant à l'avenir prometteur, qui se retrouve à vie en fauteuil roulant. Après une cure de désintoxication, Jennifer peut enfin rentrer chez elle, pensant que le pire est passé. C'est sans compter sur le frère de Colin, lancé sur les traces de la jeune fille pour se venger...


14.00 Le langage de l'amour 

Spécialiste des langues anciennes et polyglotte, Julie Walters rêve d'être traductrice au musée d'histoire naturelle. Elle est donc ravie quand elle reçoit un appel du conservateur, Dan, qui lui propose de travailler pour lui. Elle déchante néanmoins en réalisant qu'il compte sur elle pour lui apprendre des rudiments d'italien. Elle accepte tout de même et découvre que son charmant patron souhaite s'instruire en s'amusant.

mercredi 18 mai 2022

Encore un coup de coeur (lecture VO) Release Blitz + chronique

mercredi 18 mai 2022

 C'est le jour J pour le nouveau roman de Melissa Foster "Then Came Love" que j'ai reçu en ARC (merci Sharon) et que j'ai adoré, vraiment! Non seulement le héros est exceptionnel mais la fin est terrible et donne déjà envie de se projeter dans un an ou quasi car vous le savez, comme toute bonne auteure anglo-saxonne, Melissa a le don de mêler ses séries et dans celui-ci, elle introduit de nouveaux personnages que l'on a déjà croisés lors du roman sur Diesel (la série les "Whiskey" traduite actuellement en France) et qui introduit une autre branche de la famille (donc les cousins de nos héros) : ce sont les ranchers (le premier tome sort le 20 juillet) des Whiskey. 

Ici, il s'agit donc de la famille Braden que nous retrouvons puisque il s'agit du tome 9 des "Braden & Montgomery : Pleasant Hills- Oak Falls" mais rassurez-vous, nous croisons, je vous l'ai dit, nos héros préférés que vous apprenez à connaître en France. J'ai pris la série en cours de route (vous trouvez les chroniques à partir du 4 (je mettrai les liens à la fin) mais je compte bien lire les 3 premiers prochainement)  mais ce n'est pas un problème car je vous le rappelle, chaque tome est indépendant : ici, il s'agit d'un des fils Braden, Jax qui est un créateur de robes de mariée de notoriété mondiale : il crée pour les stars, princesses etc. et forme une équipe de choc avec sa soeur jumelle, Jillian qui sera, elle, l'héroïne du prochain roman de la série et qui est une créatrice de mode, elle (on va la croiser, notamment dans le tome 6 des Whiskey) 

Précédemment, Jax avait fait connaissance de Jordan, une belle jeune femme, amie avec Trixie (notamment) (l'héroïne du tome 6) venant pour sa robe de mariée : or, on avait constaté que bien que fiancée, l'alchimie entre ces deux-là était explosive. Donc, rien ne semblait possible entre eux, surtout que l'on apprend que son fiancé et elle sont ensemble depuis très longtemps.

Du temps s'est écoulé et l'un comme l'autre n'ont pas réussi à s'oublier et lorsque Jordan réapparait dans la vie de Jax (ils se revoient au mariage de leurs amis et frère pour le jeune homme), bien que cela le fasse souffrir, il se décide à lui faire sa robe de mariée mais... le fiancé de la jeune femme est peu présent et même si Jax et Jordan semblent toujours attirés l'un par l'autre, il est hors de question de franchir la ligne rouge et donc d'être infidèle (c'est une constante chez Melissa : les valeurs, toujours les valeurs, je vous l'ai dit) : comment alors résister? comment respecter cette promesse faite il y a longtemps? De plus, plus le jeune homme apprend à la connaître, plus il est persuadé qu'elle est faite pour lui et lui pour elle. En effet, ils passent tous deux du temps ensemble et s'apprécient de plus en plus. Comment alors accepter de laisser partir la seule femme que Jax ait jamais aimé alors qu'il est évident que son fiancé ne la mérite pas? Jordan va-t-elle enfin ouvrir les yeux et se rendre compte que l'amour est sous ses yeux et que cet homme qui la respecte est vraiment là pour elle? Ou va-t-elle s'engluer dans une relation ancienne sous prétexte qu'il l'a aidée quand elle avait besoin de lui? eh bien vous le saurez en lisant cet excellent roman de Melissa Foster qui m'a happée dès le départ.

Présentation de l'éditeur

Blazing heat, laugh-out-loud humor, and an abundance of swoon-worthy moments make this sexy standalone romance by New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Melissa Foster unputdownable. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and guaranteed to leave you breathlessly in love with the fiercely loyal and wickedly naughty Bradens.

What happens when you find your soul mate but she belongs to someone else?
Months ago, famed wedding-gown designer Jax Braden met the woman of his dreams when a bride-to-be came in for a consultation. He’s tried to move on, but there is no forgetting beautiful, smart, and refreshingly real Jordan Lawler, or the loneliness she cleverly tries to hide. When Jordan hires him to design her wedding gown, Jax knows he’s in trouble, but he cannot walk away. As business meetings turn to late-night confessions, their connection deepens, igniting passion too strong to deny. They’re drawn into an inescapable and forbidden love. Loyalties are tested and hearts are frayed, but neither will cross that invisible line in the sand. Come along for the sexy, emotional ride as Jax and Jordan face their toughest competitors yet—their hearts.


LOVE IN BLOOM novels feature alpha male heroes and smart, empowered women. They're flawed, funny, passionate, and relatable to readers who enjoy sexy contemporary romance and women's fiction.

THE BRADENS & MONTGOMERYS (Pleasant Hill - Oak Falls)
Embracing Her Heart
Anything For Love
Trails of Love
Wild Crazy Hearts
Making You Mine
Searching for Love
Hot for Love
Sweet Sexy Heart
Then Came Love
Rocked by Love
Our Wicked Hearts

READY TO BINGE READ? The LOVE IN BLOOM big-family contemporary romance collection features billionaires as well as everyday heroes. Characters from each sub-series appear in future books so you never lose track of engagements, weddings, or births.

Snow Sisters
The Bradens at Weston
The Bradens at Trusty
The Bradens at Peaceful Harbor
The Bradens & The Montgomerys
The Remingtons
The Ryders
Sugar Lake
Harmony Pointe

Seaside Summers
Bayside Summers
Silver Island
Harborside Nights

Wild Billionaires After Dark
Bad Billionaires After Dark

The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Bayside
The Wickeds: Dark Knights at Bayside

"When it comes to contemporary romances with realistic characters, an emotional love story and smokin' hot sex, author Melissa Foster always delivers!" The Romance Reviews

"You can always rely on Melissa Foster to deliver a story that's fresh, emotional and entertaining. Make sure you have all night, because once you start you won't want to stop reading. Every book's a winner!" NYT Bestselling Author Brenda Novak

"With her wonderful characters and resonating emotions, Melissa Foster is a must-read author!" NYT Bestseller J. Kenner

"Melissa Foster is synonymous with sexy, swoony, heartfelt romance!" NYT Bestseller Lauren Blakely

"I highly recommend this book to fans of Nora Roberts (one of my personal faves) and fans of a sweet story filled with heat and heart." - Tia Bach, author

"Melissa Foster is quickly becoming one of my favorites. Fated For Love was amazing. It kind of reminds me of Jill Shalvis' books and they are my benchmark for contemporary romance awesomeness." --Books Like Breathing

"I highly recommend the Snow Sisters all the Braden and Remington books....I am sure there are going to be other family's that intertwine and that is what I love most about these books. They remind me of the McCarthy of Gansett series and The Green Mountain series. I am a huge fan of Marie Force. And now Melissa Foster has joined her ranks...." - I Love NY, Reviewer

Mon avis : C'est simple, j'ai adoré du début à la fin ! Tout d'abord, Jax Braden est un héros quasi parfait : il est attirée comme un fou par Jordan qu'il a croisée des mois auparavant mais comme elle est fiancée et respecte son engagement, même si il a envie de lui montrer qu'elle se trompe, qu'ils sont faits l'un pour l'autre et que son fiancé, tout le temps absent, est un connard (en plus, il ne la soutient en rien), même si ça lui fait mal, il ne tente rien et n'essaie pas de la séduire  (enfin, il la cherche un peu, hein? ^^ ) : alors certes, il passe du temps avec elle et essaie de lui ouvrir les yeux mais il ne franchit jamais la ligne rouge : sa famille est d'ailleurs là à la fois pour le mettre en garde de ne pas renier son éducation mais aussi qu'il risque de souffrir quand elle se mariera avec son fiancé. Et Jax est un type plus que bien : plus il apprend à la connaître (notamment son histoire et ce qui lui est arrivé), plus il se montre protecteur et plus il la soutient : franchement, j'adoré comment il la pousse à réaliser ses rêves et à ne pas abandonner le combat de sa vie (je n'en dis pas plus) Il peut compter à la fois sur les siens pour l'aider : que ce soit sa soeur, ses parents, sa famille, ses amis.. bref, il va lui apprendre qu'elle n'est pas seule et que l'homme de sa vie devrait la soutenir quoi qu'il lui en coûte : franchement, quelle patience, quel respect, quel homme! Il est charmant, adorable et il forme un duo exceptionnel non seulement avec sa soeur jumelle mais aussi avec sa chienne Coco (on sent l'amour à travers ce binôme qu'a Melissa pour sa propre chienne Jojo ^^ notez la similitude des noms, d'ailleurs et elle aussi a une nanny quand Jax travaille ^^ ) Il va offrir à la jeune femme tout ce qu'elle n'a pas eu ou perdu lorsque chutttttttt ^^ elle va découvrir une famille qui va la soutenir dans sa quête aussi. Bref, Jax est-il le parfait Bookboy friend? Force est de constater qu'il s'en rapproche vraiment : il est moins badass que les héros habituels de Melissa mais il sait ce qu'il veut aussi : il s'y prend juste différemment respectant tout autant les valeurs qu'on lui a inculquées. Il est drôle, sympa, généreux, aimant et évidemment hot et sexy :) bref, le bookboy friend parfait ou quasi, hein?

 Quant à Jordan, c'est une jeune femme qui a un lourd passé et forcément pour ne pas vous spoiler, je ne vous en dirai pas plus : sachez simplement qu'elle aussi a des valeurs et que même si elle sent qu'il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas chez son fiancé, régulièrement absent alors qu'ils doivent faire des choix importants pour leur mariage ou le fait qu'il ne la soutienne pas, elle respecte ses fiançailles : bien sûr, elle voit le bonheur de ses amis, se rend compte qu'un homme comme Jax est unique mais elle hésite et vous comprendrez pourquoi en lisant son histoire. C'est un personnage attachant, bourré de talents (j'ai aimé ses deux aspects de sa personnalité) et le fait que progressivement, elle s'ouvre pour vivre enfin, soutenue par des gens exceptionnels. Mais chut, je n'en dirai pas plus : sachez simplement qu'à la fin, on a hâte d'être en avril 2023!!! 

 J'ai adoré retrouver les Braden mais aussi les Whiskey dans ce tome et ceux que l'on va découvrir dès juillet) Cela nous permet de savoir ce qu'ils deviennent et où ils en sont dans leur vie (mariage, enfants etc)  Comme toujours, Melissa aborde des sujets sérieux et cette fois, il y a un aspect suspense puisque Jordan cherche quelqu'un et l'on espère qu'elle va le ou la retrouver. Je vous en dirai plus lors du tome qui sera la suite de celui-ci... 

 Je pourrai continuer longtemps tant j'aime les écrits de cette auteure : comme toujours, on passe du rire aux larmes même si l'on sait que cela se finira bien. A chaque fois, l'on se dit qu'on ne pourra pas aimer davantage ce qu'elle fait eh bien si! Que dire de plus si ce n'est que ce roman se classe en tête dès sa parution et franchement, ce n'est pas étonnant tant il est réussi encore une fois. C'est une atmosphère différente des Whiskey mais l'on accroche tout autant car on y retrouve tous les ingrédients magiques qui font de ses livres des romances à part et uniques. 

 Pour l'acheter, c'est ici : (kindle France)