samedi 12 juin 2021

Bientôt chez vous et en librairie...

samedi 12 juin 2021

 le tome 2 de la troupe "Olympus" consacré cette fois à "Tate Devereaux"  : il sortira le 15 septembre chez Milady. 

Présentation de l'éditeur

Rien n'est plus fort que l'amour.

Havana ne cherche rien d'autre qu'une relation sans lendemain. Pourtant, il y a chez le nouvel Alpha de la troupe Olympus quelque chose qui l'attire irrésistiblement. Elle sait cependant que celui-ci ne tient pas à s'engager - mieux vaut mettre fin à leur histoire avant qu'elle n'en souffre trop. Mais Tate n'a pas dit son dernier mot. Lorsque vient le moment de la séparation, tout son être se rebelle à l'idée de laisser Havana lui échapper. La menace qui plane sur elle a tôt fait de les réunir, et Tate n'a que le temps de leur alliance improvisée pour la convaincre de lui ouvrir son coeur et de s'abandonner à lui...

Dans l'univers de La Meute du Phénix et La Meute Mercure

Pour le précommander, c'est ici : papier 

Release Blitz... Sortie du jour VO

 C'est le jour J pour le tome 2 de la série "Nashvegas" de Laramie Briscoe "Breach of Contract" qui sort ce jour en VO
Cc Give Me books Pr.  

Présentation de l'éditeur : 

Everett James Thompson

Known for my charismatic stage presence and being the oldest son of music royalty, I’ve always been able to do exactly what I want.

Front my own band? Become one of the powerhouses in the metal genre? Make a name for myself without using that of my parents? I’ve done all of it.

But when Brianna Jenkins walked into my life during a Vegas show, I knew without a doubt my carefully laid plans were over.

Getting married to her after a drunken night of debauchery should’ve been the worst mistake of my life. Instead? It’s the best decision I’ve ever made, and our record company thinks so too.

Or they did…

Brianna Jenkins Thompson

I’ve traveled the world, performed at Madison Square Garden, and sold out arenas everywhere. Nothing ever really made me nervous. That is, until I met EJ Thompson in Vegas. I needed liquid courage to talk to him, and that night changed my life forever.

Gone is the girl under her parents thumb, doing everything the record company tells her, and worrying constantly. In her place is a wife. A woman who knows her worth, standing beside the man who gave her his last name, his ring, and the confidence to let her voice be heard.

When the record company realizes just how much of a power couple we are; they serve us with a summons for breach of contract, expecting us to roll over.

But there’s two things they can’t silence. Our voices, and our love.




99c for a limited time!



Releasing March 11



Laramie Briscoe is the best-selling author of the Heaven Hill Series & the Rockin' Country Series.

Since self-publishing her first book in May of 2013, Laramie Briscoe has published over 10 books. She's appeared on the Top 100 Bestselling E-books Lists on iBooks, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. She's been called "a very young Maya Banks" (Amazon reviewer) and her books have been accused of being "sexy, family-oriented, romances with heart".

When she's not writing alpha males who seriously love their women, she loves spending time with friends, reading, and marathoning shows on her DVR. Married to her high school sweetheart, Laramie lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband (the Travel Coordinator) and a sometimes crazy cat named Beau.


Les téléfilms du 12 juin

    Comme tous les jours, voici les téléfilms du jour mais le samedi, ils sont sur TF1 séries films et rien le dimanche. Il y en a aussi cette semaine sur C8 (mais trois polars de Mary Higgins Clark) 

Attention aux éventuels retard ou déprogrammation ou avancée dont je ne suis nulle responsable ^^

C8 série Mary Higgins Clark 
13.25 Avant de te dire adieu
Alors qu'il était en réunion avec ses associés sur son bateau, un architecte est mort dans l'explosion de son embarcation. Ses collaborateurs et sa secrétaire périssent également lors du drame. L'épouse de l'une des victimes et la femme de l'architecte se rencontrent et sont toutes les deux d'accord pour considérer qu'il s'agit d'un meurtre. Pour enquêter sur l'affaire, elles font appel à une voyante qui doit leur permettre de reconstituer les dernières heures de la vie des victimes. Elles espèrent identifier le meurtrier et le commanditaire du crime, qui ne sont peut-être qu'une seule et même personne. Des démarches qui se révèlent dangereuses à tous points de vue...

15.10 Vous souvenez-vous?
Plusieurs jeunes femmes ont été sauvagement assassinées. La police met cette succession de crimes atroces sur le dos d'un tueur en série. D'ailleurs, le psychotique n'a pas pu s'empêcher de se confier sur ses agissements. Il commettrait ces forfaits pour se venger de toutes les femmes qui l'auraient fait souffrir dans ses vies antérieures. Des psychiatres tentent de cerner sa véritable personnalité et ses motivations. Les policiers recherchent des indices. Certains, moins sceptiques que les professionnels, finissent par croire que la réincarnation est possible. Le criminel aurait gardé la mémoire de ses existences passées. Une hypothèse que certains refusent d'entendre...

16.55 Nous n'irons plus au bois
Lorsqu'elle avait 4 ans, Laurie a été enlevée par des inconnus. Deux années ont passé au cours desquelles les enquêtes de police n'ont rien donné. Alors qu'elle était considérée comme morte et que tout le monde avait abandonné tout espoir, Laurie a ressurgi, atteinte d'amnésie, incapable de renseigner les autorités sur ce qui lui était arrivé. Des années plus tard, Laurie est devenue une belle jeune femme à qui son traumatisme a laissé de graves séquelles psychologiques, cauchemars et dédoublement de la personnalité. Lorsque son professeur est retrouvé mort, assassiné, Laurie ne tarde pas à être suspectée. A-t-elle vraiment tué cet homme ou est-elle au cœur d'une sombre machination ?

TF1 séries films
13.40 Associées contre notre ex
Olivia est très amoureuse de son petit ami, Anderson. A l'aube de leur premier anniversaire, alors qu'elle s'imagine qu'il va la demander en mariage, il la quitte sans sommation. Terrassée par le chagrin, elle se laisse aller et ne veut plus rien faire de ses journées à part ressasser son malheur. Tyler, son associé et ami, lui donne le nom d'un site sur lequel on peut vérifier si on a été trompé. Elle y fait la connaissance de deux anciennes conquêtes d'Anderson. Les trois femmes décident de se venger de l'indélicat. Mais toutes leurs tentatives se soldent par des échecs cuisants...

15.20 Associée avec mon ex

Hannah présente l'émission de décoration "Love in Design", qui rencontre un grand succès. Pour accroître l'audience, Wally, son directeur, décide que dans la prochaine saison, Hannah rénovera un manoir dans sa ville natale, Lewisburg. Elle y retrouve Jeff, son grand amour de jeunesse, qui est consultant pour le comité de préservation des monuments sur le projet. En remarquant leur complicité, Wally décide que Jeff doit faire partie du programme...

vendredi 11 juin 2021

Cover Reveal... couverture révélée VO

vendredi 11 juin 2021

 Voici la couverture pour le tome 14 de la série "Ruthless Kings MC" consacré à "Slingshot" de K.L. Savage : il sortira le 7 juillet. Cc Give Me Books Pr et comme d'habitude la couverture est superbe. 

Title: Slingshot
Series: Ruthless Kings MC #14
Author: K.L. Savage
Genre: Dark Romantic Suspense/Organized Crime
Cover Design: Lori Jackson
Photo: Wander Aguiar
Model: Christoph
Release Date: July 7, 2021

Présentation de l'éditeur : 

She slingshotted her way into my heart.

I’m a laid back kind of guy.
I don’t like to take life too seriously.
I’ve experienced serious and I’ve gone through the bad life has to offer.
I’m ready for the good in life.
I wear my heart on my sleeve just so someone can take it.
And someone does…
Natalia Moretti.

Out of all the people for me to love, why does it have to be her?
The frenemy’s daughter.
I’m screwed.
I’m risking my life to be with her.
But if life isn’t about taking risks, then what the hell else are we supposed to do?
Love with her isn’t simple.
There’s blood.
And that’s not the worst of it.

Her Uncle Maximo poses a threat along with someone who I thought was long gone out of my life.
Protecting the ones I love means I could die.
Death doesn’t scare me. I’ve come close one too many times to be afraid of it.
I face it head on.
And if I do, heaven better have tacos.





“Knives points to Benji. “We like you. What’s your name? What do you do? What’s your future like?”
“Knives, leave him alone.” Skirt groans. “He’s just a wee one.”
“He isn’t just ‘a wee one.’ He held his own. Who are you?” Knives asks, not sticking out his hand but running that damn ninja star across his knuckles like always.
“Benji,” my friend says. “Natalia, I’m so sorry about your eye. I shouldn’t have started anything. I didn’t like how he talked about you ladies.”
“No, you did good, kid,” Knives says. “You want something bigger, badder, and a bit messier, come prospect. We’re always looking for new blood.”
Benji rubs his jaw and nods. “Yeah, alright. Anything is better than going to the NFL to follow dad’s footsteps.”
Knives tosses his head back and laughs. “Ah, kid. You have no idea how many of us have fucking daddy issues.”
Slingshot comes outside, and he marches to me with powerful strides. The sun glints against his leather cut and his blue eyes; god, they hypnotize me. I don’t think he knows the power he exudes because he’s always holding it in. Without stopping, he wraps his hand around the back of my neck and bends me, dipping me over his knee as he kisses me, stealing my breath as his own.
A few catcalls sound out, and he pulls me up quickly, too quickly for me to piece together a single thought as his thumb brushes over my lips. “You didn’t go back to your seat. Good girls listen, don’t they?”
I nod and rub my thighs together when my clit begins to throb.
“Make it up to me by going out with me, right now.”
“Now? Right now?” I look around at my group of friends, and they’re all nodding.
“She’d love to go out.” Nora’s hand presses against my back, and she pushes me toward Slingshot.
“Well, there’s a bonfire tonight at the house,” Benji suggests. “If you want to come.”
“How about we meet you there? I want to change into something…better.”
Slingshot brings his soft lips to my ears. “Are you trying to tease me, Good Girl?”
I nod.
“Make sure you don’t wear panties, then. Text me the address.” He gives my behind a good squeeze as he leaves but then backtracks. “And be good while I’m gone, Natalia. You don’t want to know what happens when you misbehave.”
Oh, I do. I really do.
With hearts in my eyes and liquid heat between my thighs, I watch him mount his bike, which only leads me to think of all the ways he can mount me. The bikes grumble to life. The rumbles are deafening and shake the beverages on the table: the ice clinks together—the silverware trembles against the white tablecloth.
Slingshot does something I don’t expect him to do and reminds me how soft and tender his heart is.
He blows me a kiss in front of everyone without caring what others will think.
My knees are weak, and my brain is a complete fog as he pulls away.
“Oh my god, girl. You are so screwed,” Faye cheers before downing her drink.
“Nah, she’s about to be screwed. Right into a mattress!” Cora hollers and thrusts her hips into the air.
And then they begin to sing that damn song in The Sweetest Thing, and even Benji is cracking up laughing, but that’s not what makes it so bad.
Other people join in.
And I’ve never heard the word penis so much in my life.
I never want to watch that movie again.
Also, my friends need to come with a warning label. Society is never ready. I’m never ready.



All free in Kindle Unlimited


Releasing June 15



Releasing August 24



K.L. Savage decided they were tired of looking for the kind of books they wanted to read. They had an itch that needed to be scratched, and as every girl knows, nothing scratches better than an alpha.

They write about gritty, alpha males, sometimes their dark sides, and the women they love.

If you have the same itch, their alpha males should fix that.


Bientôt chez vous et en librairie...

photo à confirmer
source : "New Adult France"
 le tome 4 de la série "Les MacCoy" d'Alexiane Thill "La biche et le limier" : il sortira le 9 septembre en poche chez Hugo Poche : c'est un inédit.

Présentation de l'éditeur

Quand Outlander rencontre Game of Thrones

Annabelle MacKenzie vit une existence protégée à Eilean Donan, le château de son Clan. Prunelle des yeux de ses parents, elle a été éduquée pour exceller dans tous les domaines qu'une future épouse de haut rang doit maîtriser. Et son fiancé est choisi : Darren Campbell, le fils d'Henry Campbell dont la main s'étend peu à peu sur toute l'Ecosse.
Mais Annabelle ignore que son Clan est allé trop loin dans sa soif de vengeance face aux MacCoy : les MacKenzie ont enlevé Xander, le fils de Phèdre et Caleb, et menacent de le livrer à Campbell...
Dyclan est le Limier du clan MacCoy. Spécialiste du pistage et des opérations discrètes, il est chargé par les parents acculés de capturer Annabelle, afin de disposer d'une monnaie d'échange pour récupérer leur bébé. Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu. Forcé de traverser les Highlands à pied avec sa prisonnière, Dyclan doit la conduire sur l'île d'Inchkeith avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Cependant, quand la candeur d'Annabelle ravive les blessures de son passé, sa loyauté se retrouve ébranlée...

Pour le précommander, c'est ici : papier

Release Blitz... Sortie du jour VO

 C'est le jour J pour "Until Thor" un "Happily Ever Alpha World novel" de Nicole Rodrigues : il sort ce jour en VO et je vous en reparle très vite. Merci à Give Me Books Pr

Title: Until Thor
A Happily Ever Alpha World Novel
Author: Nicole Rodrigues
Publisher: Boom Factory Publishing, LLC
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 11, 2021

Présentation de l'éditeur : 

Newly (almost) divorced from my lazy High School sweetheart, I flee to Nashville, Tennessee to forge my own path in life. With the help of my girls, Guinevere and December, I'm happy, I'm thriving but there's one little problem. Okay more of a big problem. Thoren Black, aka Thor. Yes, he's blonde haired, blue eyed gorgeousness. Yes, he has muscles so big they can crack a walnut and yes his...ego matches.

My problem? That lazy High School sweetheart won't sign our divorce papers so the new thor-n in my side thinks he can solve it. He puts a big ring on my finger, claiming me for the whole town and forcing my ex’s hand. Does he stop at that? No. He moves into my house, takes over my kitchen and demands a space in my bed, and I let him because that was the agreement. He's pushing all my buttons, breaking past all my excuses of why this would never be able to work out for real. I never experienced this...happiness, not Until Thor….

Feisty. Blonde. Sexy.

I knew the second she threw an eight ball at my head I was going to have her. Husband, shmusband. I don't think with my head when I suggest the fake fiance act, at least not that head, but Jolie Palmer has got me all tangled up and I'd be a liar if I said I didn't like it. Now to convince her that ring on her finger should stay.

Until Thor is part of Aurora Rose Reynolds's Happily Ever Alpha World. If you loved Until December, then you will want to read Until Thor.



Free in Kindle Unlimited


Nicole Rodrigues is a contemporary/ New Adult Romance Author. She is a mama to three kiddos, married to her real life book boyfriend and resides outside Nashville, TN.
She enjoys reading, hanging out with her family and attempting Pinterest projects.



Aurora Rose Reynolds and her husband, Sedaka Reynolds, created Boom Factory Publishing to use their experiences to expand and promote upcoming and existing indie authors. 

With over five years in the industry, and millions of books sold worldwide, we know what it takes to become a successful author and we will use this knowledge to take our authors to the next level. 

“As a successful hybrid author in this ever evolving industry, I know that you’re only as successful as the team that is promoting you!” – Aurora Rose Reynolds


Les téléfilms du 11 juin

        Comme tous les jours, voici les téléfilms du jour (sauf le dimanche) sur M6 ou TF1. Films à suspense sur TF1 ou dramatiques (sauf le mercredi) et généralement romance sur M6.

Attention aux éventuels retard ou déprogrammation ou avancée dont je ne suis nulle responsable ^^


13.55 Dans les griffes de mon sauveur

Pour ses 18 ans, Laura part en mer avec son petit ami Nick. Arrivés au large, ils se mettent à l'eau pour une baignade romantique mais sont attaqués par un requin. Non loin de là, un jeune homme, Bruce, assiste à la scène depuis son bateau. Il secourt Laura, mais ne parvient pas à sauver Nick. Devenu un héros local, Bruce rend visite à Laura à l'hôpital et passe de plus en plus de temps avec elle. Mais lorsque Laura tente de lui expliquer qu'elle n'est pas prête pour une nouvelle relation sérieuse, il en prend sérieusement ombrage. Il se met à la suivre, à l'épier, s'immisce dans sa vie...

15.45 Le prédateur de ma fille 

Attaqués par un requin, Alison et son petit frère Kevin sont sauvés par Daniel. Diana, la mère des deux enfants, est si soulagée qu'elle accueille Daniel chez elle. Cependant, elle réalise rapidement que le jeune homme est très perturbé. Il est prêt à tout pour la conquérir, y compris à faire disparaître ses proches...


14.00 Le scandale des babysitters

Lorsque les problèmes financiers des parents d'Ashley viennent compromettre ses projets d'études supérieures, l'as du lycée prend le problème à bras le corps. Aidée de ses amies, elle transforme son affaire de babysitting en services d'escort pour pères de famille. Les jeunes femmes apprécient l'attention que ces hommes leur portent et les cadeaux dont ils les couvrent. Mais rien ne reste secret bien longtemps en banlieue, et l'affaire éclate au grand jour...

jeudi 10 juin 2021

Bientôt chez vous et en librairie...

jeudi 10 juin 2021

 "Quoi qu'ils en disent" de Noémie Dani : il sortira le 26 août en poche chez Hugo Poche (c'est un inédit) 

Présentation de l'éditeur

Louna, jeune étudiante, n’avait absolument pas prévu de passer son été à la campagne. Réviser seule dans cette grande maison familiale ? Quelle idée ! Sans compter le manque de sa meilleure amie, les insectes et… toute cette nature. Seule âme humaine à l’horizon ? Une vieille tante qui grince autant que les portes. Puis que dire de ce voisin taciturne, peu aimable, qui a failli la renverser sur son vélo ?

Gabriel n’a pas de temps à perdre. Agriculteur, il croule sous le travail, tout en essayant de gérer au mieux sa vie personnelle. Célibataire et papa d’une petite fille de 3 ans, il n’a que faire de sa nouvelle voisine pour l’été. Trop jeune pour lui, la pétillante citadine n’a pas sa place ici.

Mais Louna s’ennuie et croise bien trop souvent le chemin de Gabriel…

Quand le désir s’en mêle, tous les éléments se déchaînent !

Est-ce que l’amour pourrait se trouver là, juste où on ne l’attend pas ?

Pour le précommander, c'est ici : ebook ou poche

Bientôt sur votre liseuse et chez vous...

 "Mon voisin idéal... ou pas" de Pénélope Ward : il sortira le 28 juillet en ebook puis le 30 août en papier dans la collection Infinity.

Présentation de l'éditeur

Entre mon cher voisin et moi, on ne peut pas dire que ça ait été le coup de foudre au premier regard.

Deacon est certes très séduisant et sympathique, mais les murs de notre immeuble sont fins, et ses nuits endiablées m’ont longtemps empêchée de fermer l’œil.
Jusqu’à ce que les rôles soient inversés.

Alors que ma fille ne cessait de pleurer, mon Casanova de voisin m’a proposé son aide. Qui aurait pu imaginer que ce tombeur se retrouverait chez moi, avec ma fille endormie dans ses bras ?

Au fil du temps, Deacon est devenu un ami proche, toujours présent pour nous. Jusqu’à cette nuit... Une nuit où nous avons franchi les limites de notre amitié. Et cela pourrait bien mettre en péril notre relation.
Deacon ne veut pas s’attacher à une femme. Des enfants ? Encore moins.
Il n’est pas fait pour moi.

Alors pourquoi est-ce que j’espère être celle qui le fera changer d’avis ?

#Voisin #Sexy #FriendsToLovers

Pour le commander, c'est ici :  papier

Les téléfilms du 10 juin

       Comme tous les jours, voici les téléfilms du jour (sauf le dimanche) sur M6 ou TF1. Films à suspense sur TF1 ou dramatiques (sauf le mercredi) et généralement romance sur M6.

Attention aux éventuels retard ou déprogrammation ou avancée dont je ne suis nulle responsable ^^


13.55 Jamais je n'oublierai ma fille

Après une séparation douloureuse, Blair emménage dans une nouvelle maison avec sa fille, Lori. Elle espère que toutes les conditions sont enfin réunies pour repartir du bon pied, mais sa vie tourne au cauchemar : Lori disparaît sans laisser de trace. Contre toute attente, personne ne semble vouloir aider à la retrouver. Pire encore, tout son entourage soutient à Blair que sa fille est morte dans un accident de voiture dont elle est responsable et qu'elle a imaginé les deux mois qu'elle vient de passer avec elle. Les faits semblent effectivement confirmer cette thèse, au point que Blair en arrive à douter de sa propre santé mentale. Mais son instinct de mère lui souffle que sa fille est encore vivante et qu'elle va devoir se battre pour la retrouver...

15.45 Personne ne me séparera de mon enfant.

L'ex-mari d'Amanda a demandé la garde exclusive de leur fille. Après la première audience, elle est kidnappée par deux frères, Shawn et Tyler, qui comptent la libérer en échange d(une rançon. Détenue dans une cabane isolée, elle va tout faire pour échapper à ses ravisseurs et retourner auprès de sa fille...


14.00 Un été secret 

Rachel Turney travaille dans un cabinet immobilier à New York et doit régler la succession du propriétaire d'une ancienne bibliothèque dans une petite ville du nord de la Californie. Les habitants sont très attachés à cette institution locale. Rachel se rend sur place et rencontre Jake Kenman, un écrivain venu faire des recherches sur un célèbre hors-la-loi pour son prochain roman historique...

mercredi 9 juin 2021

Chapitre révélé (lecture VO)

mercredi 9 juin 2021


Title: Small Town Pretender
Series: Havenbrook #5
Author: Brighton Walsh
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 24, 2021

Présentation de l'éditeur : 

Asher McCoy can win over a crowd with a husky note and a strum of his guitar, but proving to a judge he’s responsible enough to gain custody of his niece and nephew? Not so easy. His big idea—a fake marriage. And who better to play his doting bride than his longtime best friend? He just needs to get her home first...

Natalie Haven couldn’t get away from her suffocating hometown fast enough. For years, she’s fluttered around the globe as a freelance photographer. And if that unconventional job pisses off her daddy? Well, all the better. But when her best friend sends out an SOS, she heads back to the one place she swore she’d never land.

Except a fake marriage means a not-so-fake living arrangement, including only one bed. Nat's witnessed enough women fall for Asher’s charms, but she refuses to be one of them. Because permanence isn’t in her blood. Not even for him.




Asher McCoy could say without a doubt that this wasn’t what he expected his life to look like. Three days ago, he’d been a twenty-seven-year-old musician making a living from his music and on the verge of his big break. He’d had a meeting scheduled with a record label to discuss signing on with them after a recent video of him at The Bluebird Cafe went viral. His life consisted of late-night gigs, some overzealous fans, and spontaneity.
In the blink of an eye, that had changed.
Now, suddenly, he was a twenty-seven-year-old in charge of two kids under four. His new late-night sessions were now less the acoustic country-rock variety while beautiful girls vied for his attention, and more the lullaby variety, which included wails of frustration instead of screams of delight. Overzealous fans had been swapped for two enamored tiny people, and nap schedules had replaced his spontaneity.
He’d changed more diapers in the past three days than he had the past three years combined. On the plus side, he was getting pretty good at it—he hadn’t been peed on in twenty-four hours.
Somehow, he’d managed to juggle it all since he’d arrived in Havenbrook along with the rising sun, knowing, for the first time, his sister wouldn’t be there to greet him with a hug and a smile. Thankfully, he’d had help from the Havens, his second family. Rory had been a godsend, stepping in and taking charge in her Rory way, exactly how he desperately needed, considering he had no idea what he was doing.
It was late afternoon, and Owen refused to nap. Which meant the only thing his nephew was interested in doing was crying. June, on the other hand, was bouncing off the walls, though that was probably his fault. He was still learning the unspoken rules of child supervision. Namely, being the cool uncle who gave his niece ice cream for lunch had extremely short-lived benefits.
“Let’s play circus, Uncle Asher!” June cried, bouncing from couch cushion to couch cushion before taking a flying leap and hanging from his back like a spider monkey. The move jostled him, and thus jostled Owen in his arms, which only ratcheted up the baby’s cries.
He held Owen tighter, bouncing the little guy in an effort to be soothing. Quite the feat with an acrobatic four-year-old doing everything in her power to turn this house into an actual circus. “Believe me, Junebug, there is nothing I’d rather do than play with you, but your brother isn’t gonna like that much.”
She scrunched up her nose as she leaned over Asher’s shoulder and stared down at her little brother. “It doesn’t sound like he’s gonna like anything.”
Asher smothered a laugh. “You’re not wrong.”
“Take me on a ride, then, like Daddy does!”
Just like it’d done at every mention of his sister or brother-in-law, his heart clenched, an empty ache radiating throughout his chest. And just like at every mention, he did exactly what June asked for. What else could he do?
“Okay, hang on tight.”
She squealed in response to his command, tightening her grip until he was damn near asphyxiated. No one could accuse her of half-assing anything.
As he stood, he kept up Owen’s steady bounce, even with June hanging off his back, her legs hooked around his waist as she squealed in giddy delight. She might actually be the one to blow out his eardrums—and that was saying something, considering the number of shows he’d played.
He cradled Owen with one arm as he spun to June’s symphony of excitement, his forearm braced below her bottom to make sure she didn’t slip down.
“More, Uncle Asher! More!” she demanded.
But if Asher did this anymore, he was going to puke. And, considering June’s lunch, he probably wouldn’t be the only one.
Just as he slowed his spins, the doorbell rang, and he breathed out a sigh of relief. At least now he had an actual excuse to stop. He paused for a couple seconds, just long enough to gain his balance. It seemed it was just long enough, too, for Owen’s cries to start back up, his wails ricocheting off the walls.
June wasn’t bothered by it, however, and just spoke louder so as to be heard over the commotion. “Do it again, Uncle Asher!”
“In a minute. We’ve gotta see who’s at the door.”
Every time the doorbell rang—which, in a town like Havenbrook, following the untimely deaths of two of their younger and beloved residents, meant it was fairly often. The freezer, at least, was stocked with enough casseroles to last them a month—he thought it might finally be Nat. Seeing as she was supposed to arrive yesterday but had been held up in Buenos Aires, he’d given up hope of that after her fifth text to update him on yet another delay.
Nash was on call to pick her up at the Memphis airport whenever she arrived, taking one thing off Asher’s extremely full plate. He’d assumed they’d keep him up-to-date as to her whereabouts.
But when he opened the door, there she stood, her appraising blue eyes roving over him, her full lips tipped up in that way that made her seem like she was perpetually amused. Her hair was the closest to her natural shade that he’d seen in more than five years—dark chestnut on the top, with the ends a bright, vibrant teal.
He couldn’t explain it, but seeing her had everything inside him shifting. Settling. As if he knew that her being there meant everything was going to be okay. After three days of uncertainty and turmoil, it was like a balm to his soul.
Nash’s honk pulled him out of his thoughts. His friend waved from his truck before pulling out of the driveway, and Asher could only manage a chin lift in response since his hands were full of sixty pounds of pissed-off and/or hyper children.
“He’s already late for a meeting, thanks to my delays, but he said he’ll stop by later.” Nat glanced to Owen, who was still screaming, his face a mottled red, and then to June as she clung from Asher’s neck. “Sounds like maybe you need some help.”
“Nat!” June yelled, releasing her grip on Asher to throw her arms wide.
Asher’s muscles tightened as he compensated for June’s lack of leverage, holding her up with his forearm. “Gotta hang on, Junebug, or you’re gonna be flattened on the ground like a real june bug.”
She giggled and threw her arms back around Asher’s neck, though she miscalculated and accidentally thumped Owen in the head. His screams only intensified.
“I’m sorry, Bubbie,” June said over Asher’s shoulder as she peered down at a wailing Owen and rubbed a hand over the baby’s downy soft thatch of hair. “I didn’t mean to, promise!”
Without missing a beat, Nat stepped into the house, dropped her bags next to the front door, and scooped a contrite June off Asher’s back. To him, she said, “You’ve got the screamer.”
“That means you’ve got the one hopped up on sugar.”
Nat only shrugged. “Perfect, then we match. I’ve eaten nothing but chips and peanut M&M’s for three days.”
With that, she tossed June over her shoulder before spinning the little girl around in helicopters. After a few moments, she dropped a giggling June onto the couch and stared down at her, fists propped on her hips. “I have a deal for you. What do you think of that?”
His niece, ever the skeptic, narrowed her eyes. “What kind of deal?”
“Whoever picks up the most before your brother stops cryin’ gets a cupcake from The Sweet Spot. Agree?”
Asher was pretty sure the last thing his niece needed today—or this week, for that matter—was more sugar. But there was no denying that Nat’s tactics worked because June agreed immediately, flying off the couch and dashing around the disastrous living room to get started. The house was strewn with enough toys to fill an entire store, not to mention the dirty dishes he hadn’t been able to get to or the handful of discarded outfits June insisted on tearing through each day. Then there were all the pee-stained shirts of his, as well as Owen’s—the kid hadn’t woken up dry once since Asher had arrived.
Nat may not have been the maternal type, but she was the see-something, do-something type, which was why her immediacy didn’t surprise him. No matter how long they spent apart, it was never weird when they saw each other again. Whether it was after five weeks or five months, they fell right back into the same easy rhythm they had always had between them.
She wore jeans and an oversized hoodie—her standard airplane uniform—and he knew from experience she was dying for a shower. While she loved traveling and seeing the world, she didn’t love airplanes or being stuffed like sardines with a bunch of random people she didn’t know, breathing in recycled air.
“Quit starin’ at me, creep,” Nat said as she bent to pick up a discarded sippy cup, not even bothering to look over her shoulder.
He huffed out a laugh at the exact moment a particularly sharp wail sounded from Owen. Asher adjusted Owen into a different position, lifting him upright and propping the baby’s butt on Asher’s forearm. Owen stared at him, as if Asher were the one responsible for all of this, his bottom lip quivering as he rubbed an angry fist into his eyes.
“I know, buddy.” Asher rubbed Owen’s back as he walked them toward the little boy’s room and away from the peals of laughter from June and Nat. “Now that Nat’s here to take care of your sister, maybe I can finally get you to sleep.”


Somehow, beyond all hope, Owen actually did fall asleep—on top of Asher while he rocked him in the chair in his room, which meant Asher fell asleep, too. He woke up to Owen’s hands slapping happily on his cheeks and his nephew’s face pressed so close he was blurry.
Owen babbled around a drool-filled smile, his mood a complete one-eighty from when they’d stepped foot into his bedroom who knew how long ago.
Asher pulled out his phone and glanced at the time. Shit, he’d been in here for two hours while Nat had been on Sugar Satan duty. What a welcome. Hey, thanks for coming, but I’m gonna crash. So, do you mind handling, well, everything?
“Up we go,” Asher said. “We should probably get you—” Before he could complete the sentence, a wet sensation registered across his torso, and he held Owen out at arm’s length. The kid was soaking wet, which meant so was Asher.
He exhaled a sigh. “I don’t understand how one tiny thing can produce so much pee.”
Owen’s happy babbles continued, even as Asher got him wiped down and changed into a fresh diaper and clothes. He hadn’t yet figured out how to manage taking a shower while both kids were awake, so that meant he’d handled previous pee explosions by simply changing shirts and continuing to smell like urine until he could shower after bedtime. Now that Nat was here, hopefully she could watch them for five minutes so he could get cleaned up.
He strode into the living room with Owen, careful to hold him so he didn’t rest on the wet patch of Asher’s shirt. Nat and June sat on the floor, an explosion of coloring books and crayons spread out in front of them.
“Uncle Asher, we’re doin’ a contest! You get to pick the winner.”
“Sounds like fun. But before I do that, I was hopin’ I could jump in the shower.” He set Owen down, and the baby crawled for his large bin of toys in the corner.
Nat glanced back at him, eyebrow raised at the wet spot on his shirt. “Problems?”
“Kid pees like a racehorse.” He held his arms open toward her. “You want a hug?”
Nat scrunched her nose. “Maybe after you shower. I love you, but not quite get-myself-wet-with-someone-else’s-urine love. I can probably handle them both for five minutes. Any longer than that, and you’re temptin’ fate.”
“You’re a godsend. I’ll hurry.” He strolled toward the spare bedroom—he hadn’t been able to bring himself to even open his sister and brother-in-law’s door, let alone step inside—and reached back to yank the neck of his shirt, pulling the damp fabric over his head. He tossed it in the overflowing basket of dirty laundry he needed to wash and headed straight for the bathroom.
After the fastest shower of his life, he strode back into the living room wearing fresh clothes to find his niece and nephew set up in front of the TV. June sat at the coffee table while Owen was perched in his high chair, snacks spread out for them as the Backyardigans played on the screen.
“You’re magic,” he said as he dropped into a chair at the dining room table, assuring he still had eyes on the kids.
Rory’s magic—I called her to get some tips. And then I slipped them a little bourbon to calm them down. No big.” Nat shrugged, her lips tipped up at the corners.
But then the smile dropped from her face, and she walked straight for him, pulling him up and out of his seat to wrap her arms around his waist. It was so reminiscent of when he’d rushed back about six months ago while her daddy was in open heart surgery—both times, they hadn’t had the privacy the moments demanded, but they made do.
He engulfed her in his arms, dropping his head so he could bury his nose into the crook of her neck. He inhaled deeply, taking her scent into him and relaxing for the first time in days. She smelled like stale air from the plane and sunscreen and just a hint of clove. Home. She smelled like home.
“I’m sorry, Ash. I’m so sorry.” She exhaled her soft words straight into his chest, but he heard them all the same.
His throat tightened, his eyes going damp, his nose tingling with the onset of tears. He hadn’t cried since he’d arrived. His focus had been on June and Owen. On the arrangements. But Nat wasn’t going to accept that. While he was there for everyone else, she was there for him.
“Thank you for comin’,” he said, pulling back to stare down at her.
“Don’t be an idiot. Of course I came.”
“Well, it is Havenbrook, so I wondered if you would.”
Nat pulled away with one final squeeze and dropped into the chair perpendicular to him, propping her chin on her fist as she rested her elbow on the table. “I didn’t come for Havenbrook. I came for you. Besides, I’ve already been here for an hour, and I’m not crawlin’ out of my skin yet. I think that might be progress.”
“Definitely. I don’t even see a rash or anything,” Asher said, lowering himself into the chair.
“So, now that we’ve got the two hellions wrangled—temporarily, obviously,” Nat said, darting her eyes to where June and Owen were still mesmerized by the show on TV. “What else needs to be done? What can I help with?”
Asher scrubbed a hand across his jaw, thick with the start of a beard since he hadn’t even thought about shaving since he’d been here. “The funeral’s tomorrow. And then I’ve got an appointment with Cole Donovan, Aubrey’s lawyer, on Thursday to go over their will.” He swallowed down the lump of emotion that rose in his throat, the now-familiar ache in his chest expanding. “I know this isn’t your favorite place, but do you think you can stick it out for a few days?”
“I could probably be bribed,” she said wryly with an eye roll. “I’m here. However long you need.”
Now she was just lying—she put on a good show, but Nat in Havenbrook was like a cat in a bath. He made a mental note to pick up several family sized bags of peanut M&M’s—her favorite—the next time he was at the store to make good on that bribe. “Thank you,” he said, all teasing gone from his tone. “I’m not sure what the hell’s gonna happen, but—”
Nat waved her hand, dismissing the rest of his words. “Ash. It’s fine. I’m here as long as you need me. I’ll stay here with you guys, and that way, you’re not outnumbered by the tiny mutant people.”
Asher cracked a smile and glanced over at his niece and nephew. June had stood from her previous perch on the floor and was now jumping in time to the theme song, her arms flailing out to her sides as Owen mimicked her movements, the two of them laughing. His and Nat’s quiet, talking time was soon going to come to an end. In fact, he’d bet money that they had less than five minutes before someone demanded their attention. He may only have been here for a couple days, but he’d already learned private time was a scarce commodity.
“At some point in the very near future, you’re probably gonna wish you didn’t say that.”
“Probably,” she agreed with a nod.
“There is one little problem,” he said, raising his voice to be heard over Owen’s squeals as June belted out the lyrics to the theme song.
“I’m gonna need earplugs?”
“There is that. But… Well, I don’t feel right about usin’ Aubrey and Nathan’s room.”
“Which means we’re sharin’ a room, and there’s obviously only one bed. Think you can keep your hands off me?”
Nat raised an eyebrow, her lips curved up. “Who says I’m gonna share?”


Pact with a Heartbreaker (Book 3)
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