samedi 20 août 2022

Cover Reveal et bientôt chez vous...

samedi 20 août 2022

la série fantastique de Kalypso Caldin : "Les dieux oubliés " J'avoue que j'ai son autre série "Styx riders" où il y a aussi une touche de mythologie et de bikers donc je pense que je la lirai. Elle sortira aux Plumes du Web.

Chaque tome sera consacré à un couple. Le premier tome est centré sur Hades et Persephone !
Vous pensez déjà tout savoir sur ce couple mythique ? Oubliez vos a priori et découvrez Hades en chef de club de biker.
Bienvenue au Royaume des Morts…
Présentation de l'éditeur :
Sans cesse, ils meurent et reviennent. Sans cesse, ils vivent et dérivent. Les dieux oubliés de la mythologie grecque existent. Et ce monde leur appartient toujours...
Coré a décidé de fêter dignement ses dix-huit ans, malgré ces fichues visions qui la hantent sans cesse. Pour cela, elle embarque Brook et Adon, ses meilleurs amis, dans le night-club le plus en vogue de la ville : Le Royaume des Morts.
Pendant cette nuit mouvementée, elle rencontre Hadès, le patron du club.
Chef d'un gang de motards, aussi mystérieux que dangereux, il fait naître chez elle une étrange sensation familière, comme une impression de déjà-vu.
La rencontre de ces deux opposés se révèle électrique.
Autour de la jeune femme commencent alors à se produire des événements qu'elle ne peut pas expliquer, tandis que le destin semble vouloir la conduire dans les bras de cet arrogant biker. Une irrésistible alchimie qui lui fait peur, et qu’elle tente de repousser…
Quelques morts-vivants, un chien à trois têtes et une tentative d’assassinat plus tard, la jeune femme doit se rendre à l’évidence : sa vie a définitivement basculé.
Doit-elle pour autant devenir la marionnette du destin ?
Hors de question !
Mais peut-on lutter contre son âme sœur ?
L'ebook est déjà disponible sur les plateformes numériques alors que la sortie est annoncée début septembre.

Bientôt chez vous et sur votre liseuse...

la troisième saison ou le tome 3 d'une série que j'ai adorée dès sa sortie Thuata dont je n'espérais plus la suite... eh bien si! Le tome 3 sera divisée en 3 parties et la première sortira le 1er septembre aux éditions Ex-Aequo "La Valkyrie et le pianiste". 

Présentation de l'éditeur

Mariés depuis sept ans, Clyde et Karola McKelloch’ vivent heureux avec leur petite fille Aislinn, à Thuata, le domaine ancestral écossais. Pianiste à la renommée internationale, le cadet de trois frères se concentre sur son concerto. Ancienne journaliste et critique musicale, sa femme gère sa carrière avec efficacité. Tout est parfait. Jusqu’au jour où Karola reçoit une lettre l’obligeant à s’envoler vers Berlin, sa ville natale.

Dès lors, débute une histoire étrange, au goût métallique, fantastique, héroïque. Ce qui est habituel avec les Mac Kelloch’.

Une épée légendaire s’apprête à reprendre son rôle. Mozart s’invite avec sa Flûte enchantée et des manuscrits inédits. S’y ajoutent une mirabelle très colorée, la franc-maçonnerie et une bibliothèque qui n’en fait qu’à sa tête. De même qu’un homme aspirant au 4e Reich.

Pour éviter cette issue, les McKelloch’ devront suivre le rituel imaginé par le maestro, il y a deux cents ans.

Après Anaïs et Iain, puis Alice et Fillian, c’est autour de Clyde et Karola que la trame se tisse. Ceci est le premier épisode de leur aventure qui en compte trois.

À propos de Jeanne Malysa :

Je suis née à Paris, fille de novembre. Mes romans sont contemporains, mêlant l'Histoire, la romance, le mystère, le fantastique, l'aventure, l’érotisme et l'humour aussi. Ma devise d'écriture : batifoler avec des mots, taquiner le verbe, jouir du point final, c’est s’envoler vers l’autre petite mort.

Pour le précommander, c'est ici : (papier) 

vendredi 19 août 2022

Cover Reveal... (lecture VO)

vendredi 19 août 2022

 Rewrite the Rules by Kay Cove is the second book in her standalone romance series, and we’re so excited to share the cover with you!

Title: Rewrite the Rules

Author: Kay Cove

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: September 15th

About Rewrite the Rules:

Adler Haley writes great sex…just not under her name. And certainly not about her experiences—or lack thereof. There’s no safer place to express herself than behind the obscurity of ghostwriting romance novels. By day, Adler’s perfectly content to blend in at her boring nine-to-five as an executive assistant. At least until she meets Joel—her new boss who has her wondering if love at first sight is more than just fiction.

  Joel Lewis is convinced that relationships bring out the bad in people. And marriage? The worst. Ask his parents. His siblings. And his ex-girlfriend. Needing a fresh start, Joel trades the Big Apple to take the helm at a struggling venture capitalist firm in Denver. After meeting his new assistant, he has to work overtime to fight his feelings and adhere to the no-relationships policy he’s instated for his life.   Armed with The F-Buddy Rules for Survival, a clever set of guidelines designed to keep their friendship fun and fun only, Adler and Joel find themselves whisked into the most entertaining ‘situationship’of their lives. But it’s not long before Adler discovers a major issue with the rules—they weren’t meant to protect her from falling in love. They were only ever meant to keep Joel from finding out.  

Pre-Order Your Copy!

Catching Up with the Series:

Paint Me Perfect

Ebook | Paperback



“Adler, come on. It’s not like that.” He trails behind me, easily catching me with his long stride. I spin around. My hair fans out before curling around my neck. “Please don’t patroni—” He grabs my wrists and yanks me into the hard wall of his chest while pressing his large hand firmly against the small of my back, locking me against him. His cool, smooth lips brush against my ear. “It’s not like that.” His low grumble of a whisper sends a bristly chill down my neck. “I don’t want you to feel upset again.” “Then what do you want?” “What I want is to take my shirt back right here, right now, and show you how I really feel about you. I’d erase all that self-doubt bouncing around in your head by worshipping your body all night.” My mouth falls open and makes an audible pop when I quickly force my lips back together. Did I daydream so hard that it literally came into fruition? I’m going to start dreaming about a gazillion dollars tomorrow. My wishes for this evening are spent. “Um...” Be brave, Adler. Follow the feeling. I rise onto my tippy toes which doesn’t do much in these boots. I’m already as tall as I can be and Joel still towers over me. I wrap my hand around his neck and pause for a moment, giving him a final opportunity to stop me. He doesn’t take it. Instead, he follows my lead and leans down so his lips meet mine. He smothers my body with his, wrapping me in the delicious smell of his cologne. It’s so familiar, like I recognize it from a dream. His hand flies to the back of my head, weaving in my hair as he holds my face against his. He presses deeper. His tongue unleashes. I eagerly part my lips to let him taste me. This tug. This pang. This swoop. This singe. Yes. Joel’s other hand drifts south from the small of my back to my backside. His hand is as greedy as his tongue. It dips even lower and he plays with the tail of his shirt on me, sneaking under it so he can feel the bare skin of my rear. The night air is ice but his hands are on fire. I suspend between the two sensations in perfect balance. I melt right into him. I want more. There’s no overanalyzing his lips, his hands, or the feel of his stubble against my cheek. I borrow his breath and then I send it right back as I let a small moan escape my mouth onto his lips. The gears turn in perfect tandem and I click right into place in Joel’s arms, where I think I belong. “Jokes aside—do you want to come up?” I’m breathless as I reluctantly break our kiss. My heart is racing out of control. “Adler…” Joel hangs his head. “Believe me, I want to. So bad. But I told you, I’m not looking for a relationship.” “I just asked if you wanted to come up. I didn’t exactly profess my love to you.” Am I begging? New low, Adler. New low! Joel grabs the tips of my fingers and squeezes them one by one, tenderly. “Please understand that I mean this as a compliment. I know enough about you by now to say you deserve so much more than what I can give you. Can we just be friends?”

About the Author:

Kay Cove writes contemporary romance novels that are sweet and steamy. She loves strong and witty heroines that aren’t afraid to go toe-to-toe with an alpha hero. Her favorite writing weapon of choice? Banter.   Born in Colorado Springs, but raised all over (thanks military!), Kay Cove loves hiking on snow-capped mountains, blowing raspberries on her sons’ super pudgy baby bellies, and heated debates with her husband about topics such as the difference between turtles and tortoises, Marvel trivia, and most importantly—who misplaced the remote.   Kay, a former HR professional (survivor), startup junkie, and former CEO of the teeniest, tiniest virtual assistant company, has been writing pretty much forever. She finally decided at age thirty to start writing the stories she loves to read and to actually share the novels she poured countless hours, tears, sweat, and coffee into.  

Connect with the Author:

Website | Instagram | Tiktok | Facebook | Twitter

jeudi 18 août 2022

Bientôt sur votre liseuse...

jeudi 18 août 2022

 le tome 5 de la série "Black Soldiers" de Lorea Read "Shadow of love". Il sortira le 23 août en ebook chez BMR 

Présentation de l'éditeur

Certaines histoires sont inévitables.

Voilà des années que Billy a laissé Fremont derrière elle. Dans cette petite ville, il y a le club de bikers dans lequel elle a grandi, et ses parents, qui attendent impatiemment son retour. Mais surtout il y a Elliot…
Elliot, son premier amour, qu’elle a dû quitter précipitamment et sans explications. Elliot qui, lorsqu’elle revient, la déteste d’une force qu’elle n’avait pas soupçonnée.
Pour Elliot, il fut un temps où Billy était le centre de son univers. Ce dernier a volé en éclat quand Billy a fui le même soir où Aaron, son frère, a été incarcéré. Alors Elliot a dû laisser de côté ses rêves pour prendre sa place chez les Black’s Soldiers et s’occuper de sa famille. Billy découvre qu’Elliot a bien grandi  : de jeune idéaliste amoureux, il est devenu un biker beau mais sombre, qui refuse de lui accorder ne serait-ce qu’un regard.
Si le retour de Billy ravive des sentiments longtemps enfouis, il révèle quelque chose de plus dangereux encore  : la vérité.
Billy est la fille de Pyro et Charlie de 
Burned Love, et Elliot est le frère d’Aaron, le héros de To Run Away. Cette histoire se déroule des années plus tard, mais peut se lire indépendamment.

Pour le précommander, c'est ici :

Sortie du jour... Release Blitz...

 "Marcher sur les nuages" de Caroline Costa : il sort ce jour en ebook et papier dans la collection Pemberley de chez Bookmark

Présentation de l'éditeur : 

Théo doit faire face à un choix difficile : sauver son père de sa passion ou le perdre à jamais.

Théodora a toujours eu la montagne dans la peau, passion qu’elle partage avec son père pour leur plus grand bonheur. Jusqu’au jour où ce dernier, âgé de soixante-dix ans, lui annonce qu’il va tenter l’ascension de l’Everest. Mais, Théo le sait, il n’y survivrait pas. Sur un coup de tête, elle décide de partir à sa place braver le sommet où il a failli mourir lors d’une première escalade des années plus tôt.

Sur les flancs de l’Himalaya, il n’y a pas que sa vie que Théodora met en danger. En redescendra-t-elle le corps et l’esprit indemnes ?

Pour le commander, c'est ici : ou (ebook) 

mercredi 17 août 2022

Promo VO -temps limité

mercredi 17 août 2022

 Promo VO : c'est le moment de compléter cette super série de bikers que j'ai prise en route et qui est vraiment très chouette : en France, les titres sont à 0.91€ pour le premier et 0.96€ pour les autres : je vous avoue que j'ai complété ma collection. cc Enticing Journey Books Pr

Series: Insurgents MC Series
Author: Chiah Wilder
Genre: MC Romance

The 𝙄𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙈𝙤𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙘𝙮𝙘𝙡𝙚 𝘾𝙡𝙪𝙗 series are standalone romantic suspense novels. If you like tough-as-nails bikers, strong women, and passionate encounters, then you’ll adore Chiah Wilder’s heart-stopping adventures.

Chiah Wilder is the author of the successful Insurgents MC series. Chiah's love of bad boys has inspired her Insurgents series. She loves an alpha male whose softer side is brought out by a passionate, spirited woman. Steamy, biker romances with rough, sexy bad boys are her guilty pleasure along with brownies, cheddar cheese, and movie marathons. She is busy writing her next book in the series. Chiah would love to hear from you. You can contact her at: Visit her on facebook: Join the Chiah Wilder Newsletter to get the scoop on new releases, previews, free short stories, and a whole lot of other exciting goodies: Happy Reading!


Cover Reveal... Bientôt chez vous

Dès le 6 octobre, retrouvez la suite de "Transcendant " de Jewel E Ann chez Juno Publishing.

Pour vous faire patienter, nous vous proposons de découvrir le résumé de ce roman hors du commun.
« Je ne vais pas te regarder te détruire. Je ne vais pas te regarder tomber amoureuse d’un autre homme. » Certaines vies se terminent de manière abrupte, d’autres transcendent le temps. Après un incident horrible, Swayze se retrouve coincée entre deux vies. Des souvenirs confus et la crainte pour sa propre sécurité la poussent à entreprendre un voyage déchirant pour découvrir la vérité. Va-t-elle laisser ses rêves s’envoler pour chercher à se venger et découvrir les pièces manquantes d’un puzzle qui existait auparavant ? Ou bien découvrira-t-elle la seule vérité qui compte ? Ce roman repousse les limites de ce que nous croyons et de ce que nous pensons savoir. Il redéfinit le destin et prouve que la seule chose qui sépare le cœur et l’âme est une ligne de temps infinie.

mardi 16 août 2022

Cover Reveal

mardi 16 août 2022

Découvrez la couverture et le résumé du premier roman de Izabulle IH Mey, Le vacarme des étoiles, qui sortira le 26 août 2022

Présentation de l'éditeur :

Jeune psychologue, Lyra s’efforce de toujours rester objective avec ses patients. Cependant, l’un d’eux se révèle vite différent des autres, de par son histoire, son charisme, ses déviances… Et surtout, il est bien décidé à la faire craquer. Adel, boxeur professionnel, atteint le sommet de sa carrière alors que ses démons se réveillent. Plus que jamais, il a besoin du soutien de celle qui l’a accompagné dans son enfer personnel. Pourtant, alors que la confiance se noue entre eux, que la passion les submerge petit à petit, les secrets d’Adel menacent de faire vaciller cette relation fragile. Où se termine la thérapie et où commencent les véritables sentiments ? Interdit, tabou et vengeance, Lyra et Adel ne pourront compter que sur eux-mêmes pour surmonter les épreuves qui les attendent.

Lien à venir :

Release Blitz... Sortie du jour VO

 C'est le jour J pour le tome 2 de la série à 4 mains de Whitley Cox et Ember Leigh "Winter Harbor Heroes" "The Hasshole heir" qui sort ce jour en VO : le premier tome a été chroniqué ici : TOME 1

Title: The Asshole Heir
Series: A Winter Harbor Heroes #2
Authors: Whitley Cox & Ember Leigh 
Genre: Small Town, Second Chance, Secret Baby, Estranged Family, Secret Romance
Release Date: August 16, 2022

Mending fences with my brothers as I uncover family secrets is easy compared to winning back the woman carrying my baby…

Six months ago she ghosted me.
She stopped taking my calls and didn’t even answer her damn door.
Now, with my world upside down and my arm in a cast, where do I find her, but Winter Harbor, seven months pregnant with my baby.
Despite her keeping this secret from me, I want her. I’ve always wanted her. And even though I was dead-set on never having kids, given my own garbage dad, seeing Amaya pregnant and knowing that the baby is mine changes everything. I’m ready to right my father’s wrongs and be there for my kid.
I want the family life, and I want it with Amaya.
But she’s not convinced. And for good reason. Now I just have to prove to her that taking a chance on love–and building a family with a man who’s ruined more romances than started them–is a risk worth taking.

***This is the second book of the Winter Harbor series which features a quirky small town, secrets galore, and three estranged brothers who find the key to healing comes from the women who steal their hearts.

“This book had me captivated from the very first chapter and drawn to Carson like a moth to a flame. The chemistry between Amaya and Carson is absolutely electric and radiates through every word. This second chance romance is filled with secrets, suspense, drama and just enough chaos to have you on the edge of your seat.” – Wiley Kate (Amazon Review)
“The reader will instantly fall in love with Carson and Amaya and only want them to succeed while they want the pages to go quicker to get more of them but at the same time want the pages to go slower so they can enjoy the ride. Simply a wonderful tale of family and forgiveness." – Nicki Holt ~The Overflowing Bookcase (Amazon Review)
“I really didn't want the book to end, and definitely looking forward to the next. Highly recommend and to me it's worth every one of the 5* I give it.” – Sue Hancock (Goodreads Review)
“This book was one amazing read that kept me totally enthralled as I turned the pages of this must read story! The plot was so well planned and fleshed out with characters that were so well created with such great detail and depth that I remained totally captivated as the story developed between Amaya and Carson!” – Pat (Goodreads Review)

“You’re scaring me with that look, Carson,” she murmured, breaking our eye contact. “You look like you want to devour me whole.”

Because I fucking did. I wanted to eat her mouth, lick her pussy until she was hoarse from screaming, and then sink into her tight heat and make her mine all over again.

Shaking my head, I dislodged those primal, possessive thoughts … until later, and went back to the task of making her feel good and distracting her from her foul mood after running into Stinky Cheese Bree.

I waggled my finger over her clit a couple more times, loving that she met my movements with hip thrusts of her own. Our eyes locked again, but what stared back at me was a need so powerful I had to adjust my cock in my jeans for fear of getting a permanent bend in my favorite body part.

Not that Amaya wasn’t good and thoroughly soaked already, I made sure she was dripping, before I slid one, and then two fingers inside her, pressing my thumb to her swollen clit and moving it back and forth in a way I remember she loved.

“Dear God, Carson,” she said on a strangled moan, her eyes now slammed shut and the bottom lip of her fuckable mouth clenched tight between her teeth, so much so the skin was turning white. “Yes …”

“Yes, what?” I demanded, surprised at how hoarse my voice came out.

“If you make me say Daddy, I will ram my foot into your dick so fucking fast.” She bent her knee and nudged my crotch with her heel in a warning, which made a chuckle roll through me as I curled my fingers inside her and pressed on her G-spot. “Holy fuck.” She arched her back and straightened her leg again, forgetting all about her threat to kick me in the dick.

“I want you to scream for me, Vixen. Burst my fucking eardrums. We know you can. Take all of that rage, all of that tension that’s been making your shoulders kiss your ears and breathe it out into the fucking world. Let it go … Elsa.”

She popped one eye open, calling me an idiot with just a look. I grinned at her cheekily.

But she quickly closed that eye again and continued to writhe on the bench seat of my truck, bucking up into my hand, pushing her pussy further down on my fingers, and reminding me just why this woman had become the closest thing I’d ever had to an addiction.

A Canadian West Coast baby born and raised, Whitley is married to her high school sweetheart, and together they have two beautiful daughters and a fluffy dog. She spends her days making food that gets thrown on the floor, vacuuming Cheerios out from under the couch and making sure that the dog food doesn't end up in the air conditioner. But when nap time comes, and it's not quite wine o'clock, Whitley sits down, avoids the pile of laundry on the couch, and writes.

A lover of all things decadent; wine, cheese, chocolate and spicy erotic romance, Whitley brings the humorous side of sex, the ridiculous side of relationships and the suspense of everyday life into her stories. With single dads, firefighters, Navy SEALs, mommy wars, body issues, threesomes, bondage and role-playing, Whitley’s books have all the funny and fabulously filthy words you could hope for.

Ember Leigh has been writing erotic romance novels since she was far too young. A native of northern Ohio, she currently resides near Lake Erie with her Argentinean husband, where they run an Argentinian-American food truck and wrangle two wild boys.