
samedi 19 février 2022

Dans ma pal... service presse (lecture VO)

 le tome 2 de la nouvelle série de Stacey Lynn "Las Vegas Viper" (qui est un spin-off de la précédente) "Dream Maker" : il sortira le 8 mars en VO. Merci à Valentine Pr pour leur envoi et leur confiance.
J'ai chroniqué le tome 1 ici Game Changer

Présentation de l'éditeur

Hooking up with my best friend’s little sister is one thing, getting drunk and marrying her in Vegas is another…

My team just won the Stanley Cup. I should be out on the town celebrating. Instead, I’m nursing a broken heart, courtesy of my ex-wife.

Next thing I know, I’m waking up with my teammate’s sister in my bed wearing a rock the size of the Grand Canyon on her finger. Neither of us remembers saying, I do… but turns out the marriage is as real as the diamond on her finger.

The press is going crazy. The team is pissed. And her brother… well he just might kill me. So, at the advice of my agent, we do the only thing that makes sense—make a plan to stay married until this madness blows over.

It might have started out fake, but Gabby is the one making my dreams come true and showing me what real love is.

Now I just need convince her to stay my wife forever.

Pour le précommander, c'est ici : (ebook) 

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