
dimanche 3 décembre 2023

Lecture VO petit prix

 99c SALE! Brazen Bossman by Emma Nichole is on sale for only 99c! This is a worldwide sale and is only for a very limited time!

“Oh my - I am speechless. This book was so swoon worthy.” - Romance, Movies and Books

“Brazen Bossman is a scorching office romance with enough heat to set your kindles ablaze.” - A Grand Romance
Brazen Bossman is also FREE to read in Kindle Unlimited and available in audio as well!
Check out all of the Cocky Hero Club releases here ➜
Dear Ida,

My boss is an egotistical, arrogant, cuff link wearing jerk!
I wanted nothing more than to throw my badge at his face and walk out the door.
But then he kissed me... and I kissed him back...
To make matters worse, I think I liked it.
To make matters the WORST, I'm seeing someone else... kind of.
Maybe I should just leave town and change my name to spare myself the embarrassment?
Stop me now before I do it. Please.

Royally Screwed in the City,


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