
samedi 22 juillet 2023

Dans ma pal... service presse (lecture VO)

 "Built to last" de Kat Baxter : il sortira le 26 juillet en VO  : elle fait partie avec Sadie King des auteures anglo-saxonnes dont j'apprécie les novellas (alors qu'à la base, ce n'est pas mon truc! mais chez elles deux, ça se tient) 

Présentation de l'éditeur


My nerdy co-worker is my perfect guy. Trouble is, he doesn’t “see me that way,” despite my three degrees. It’s a problem I can’t figure out. Until, everyone in my office sees me with my best friend’s brother and assumes we’re together. Turns out a little competition was just what the man of my dreams needed to sit up and take notice.

Suddenly I’m in a fake relationship with Finn, the hottest guy I’ve ever known. He’s blue collar and rough around the edges and oh, so good with his hands. He makes me notice all the ways my “perfect guy” isn’t so perfect after all. Even worse, he makes me wish this fake relationship was built to last.


Whether they're construction workers, carpenters, roofers, plumbers, welders, mechanics, electricians, factory machinists, metalworkers, trash collectors, cement workers, movers, heavy-equipment operators, tow truck drivers, oil rig workers, or canoe builders, these blue-collar heroes all have in two things in common:

They’re good with their hands, and they’re not afraid to get dirty. Really, really dirty.

Join your favorite instalove authors for 15 steamy love stories featuring blue-collar men who work hard and fall hard when they meet the women who steal their hearts.

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