
mardi 28 février 2023

Release Blitz


NOW LIVE! Lily’s Forest by Kat Baxter is available now + FREE to read in Kindle Unlimited!

“I couldn't put the book down… It's amazing. You fall in love with the characters and laugh alongside them with their witty banter.” – Goodreads reviewer
“5 stars… Major book hangover. Characters and storyline were freakin’ amazeballs.” – Estela Reads Romance
Get your copy today!
My dearest Lily,
I won’t ever send this letter despite all the ones we’ve shared in the past. Things are different. I’m home now, something else I won’t tell you. War changes everyone, that’s no secret, but some changes can’t be hidden. I am no longer the man I was and you, my beautiful Flower, deserve more. Better. I wish I’d said goodbye in our last exchange…told you how much you mean to me. You once mentioned writing to other soldiers, but I hope I was your favorite. You were definitely mine.
All my love,
Dear Forest,
Did you just ghost me? By letter? And actually mail it? Oh, heck no. We have plans, soldier.
Still yours, despite being angry,

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