
lundi 26 septembre 2022

Dans ma pal... service presse (lecture VO)

 C'est un peu Noël aujourd'hui... j'ai reçu de nombreux service presse dont celui-ci en VO : je ne l'avais pas vu mais Ena de chez Enticing Journey Books Pr qui me connait bien et qui sait que je lis tous les romans de Whitley Cox m'a envoyé un mail pour me le signaler : merci à elle.

Il s'agit de "Not over you" qui sortira le 1er octobre en VO donc. Peut-être une nouvelle série ou trilogie? e

Présentation de l'éditeur

 She's thankful for many things this year, but her ex moving back to town isn’t one of them.

Four years ago, Officer Jordan Lassiter swept Rayma Young off her feet, making the twenty-year-old finally feel safe and loved. His quiet, calm, take-charge attitude made it easy for her to trust him with all of her secrets—even the dark ones.

Eager to prove himself as a rookie cop, Jordan accepted a transfer too far away for their relationship to work. Heartbroken, they broke up but remained friends. Or at least that’s what she thought …

Three years later, Jordan’s back and thinks they can just pick up right where they left off.

Not happening.

Hurt and angry for ghosting her, Rayma has slammed her walls back up and not even Jordan and his patient control will convince her to give him back her heart.

But when they wind up at the same Thanksgiving dinner, it’s all Rayma can do to remain strong as happy memories begin to crack the protective shell she’s forged around her heart, while Jordan does everything he can to win her back.
Except give her the one thing she needs.
His trust.

***You asked for it, and I'm delivering. The thin-filtered youngest sister of Pasha from Dark Hart and Full Hart is finally getting her own HEA. Get ready for quick-wit, zero f*cks given, and the Hart family at their meddling best.

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