
mardi 28 décembre 2021

Bientôt sur votre liseuse et chez vous (lecture VO)

 Trois romans d'Olivia Rigal qui sortiront dès 2022 en anglais cette fois et dont le nom de la nouvelle série est "The F.A.C.T.O.R.Y" pour "the Foundation for an Active, Optimized and Rich Youth.. Les deux premiers sortiront le 4 janvier et le troisième le 25 janvier. Merci à Olivia pour son envoi et sa confiance. 

Le premier s'intitule "Factory Controller". 

Présentation de l'éditeur

There are two things in life that you can’t outrun: death and taxes.
The Factory sent me to Brazil to investigate a nun’s questionable tax returns.
But instead of finding simple tax fraud, I discovered a human trafficking ring.
Now I’m running from mercenaries intent on keeping their dirty little enterprise a secret.
I’m in a world of trouble.
My escape plane was shot down and now I’m on foot.
All I have to do is escape the Amazon rainforest.
Escape from giant anacondas ready to coil and squeeze me to death.
Avoid fuzzy spiders with venomous fangs.
Evade poison dart frogs with skin so toxic that one tiny frog can kill ten people.
And keep my hands off the most dangerous animal of all: Trent.
He’s hotter than the afternoon humidity.
Wilder than the jaguars that hunt us at dusk.
More dangerous than the armed men on our heels.
Now is not the time to fall in love.
But I may not have a choice.
He’s stolen my heart, and the only way to get it back is to make it out alive.

Just my luck!
I picked up a crazy woman who thinks someone’s after her.
She’s clearly paranoid, and probably delusional.
She keeps ranting about a secret group called “The Factory.”
I don’t believe a word of it.
Besides, I’ve got bigger problems.
I need to keep us alive long enough to prove that she’s nuts.
I shouldn’t be drawn to her, but I am.
Maybe I’m going crazy too.
Keeping her safe in the jungle is the honorable thing to do.
But what I’m feeling right now is anything but honorable.
I want to kiss her luscious mouth.
I want to stroke her irresistible curves.

We may not live to see daylight, but in darkness, anything can happen.
I just hope we live long enough to figure out what’s happening between us.

Pour le présenter, c'est ici : (ebook) ou (papier) 

Le second s'intitule "Factory Thief" 

Présentation de l'éditeur


I steal things, not people.
At least I didn’t, until The Factory asked me to steal a man.
And not just any man—Jack Drake.
He’s in solitary confinement at a maximum-security prison.
I’ve broken into worse places.
And I’m about to break free of my obligation to The Factory.
All I have to do is bring him back to them, and then I’ll disappear again.
They want him alive, which is good, because I’m not an assassin.
But he’s keeping a dark secret, one that could get us both killed.
Now is the worst possible time to fall in love.
I’m totally unprepared for the wild heat between us.
I should turn him over to my contact, but I can’t.
It’s more than just scorching kisses and clandestine caresses.
He’s captured my soul, and he refuses to let me go.

The Factory sent a woman to kidnap me from prison.
Escaping is the easy part, resisting her is much harder.
She wants to bring me back to them, but there’s no way I’m going.
Somebody set me up.
To keep their secret safe, they planted evidence and I was convicted of murder.
I need to go public with the information that I stole.
But Victoria doesn’t believe me.
She thinks I’m a monster.
I think she’s the most frustrating, beguiling, irresistible woman I’ve ever met.
I should be thinking with my head, but I’m not.
My thoughts are in the gutter and it’s taking every ounce of strength that I have to keep my hands to myself.
If I crack, she’ll accomplish her mission.
If she cracks, I’ll accomplish mine.
It’s a stand-off and time is running out for us.

Pour le précommander, c'est ici : (ebook) ou

Le troisième a pour titre "Slayer" et lui, sortira le 25 janvier.

Présentation de l'éditeur


I’m a sniper and a bodyguard.
I don’t chase after ghosts.
When The Factory demands that I rescue a runaway kid, I’m torn.
For sure, they must have someone more qualified for the job.
But I owe them.
They’ll never let me forget it, so I agree…
Until I find out I’ve been assigned a partner, a ghost from my past – Damon Walsh.
He’s cocky, arrogant, and thinks he’s God’s gift to women.
I want to slap away the insolent grin carved on his face.
But we have to work together.
The longer I spend with him, the more he makes me squirm.
I refuse to give into the hot friction between us.
He’s off-limits, and the second this mission is over, I’m going to disappear.
I just hope my heart will stay intact long enough to get away from him.


My contact from The Factory has lost their mind.
I want to laugh in her face.
There’s no way in hell Roxy will work with me.
Our past is explosive.
She wants me.
It’s all over her gorgeous, petulant face.
I’d love to strip her down and show her what she’s missing, but we have a job to do.
Rescuing a missing kid is my top priority.
Messing around with Roxy is secondary.
But the minute I get that kid back home, I’m going to show Roxy why she’s wrong about me.
It might not go anywhere, but I have to know.
Because for the last nine years, she’s the only woman I ever dreamed about.

Pour le précommander, c'est ici : (ebook) 

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