
vendredi 26 mars 2021

Teaser Reveal... Extrait

Voici un extrait du tome 2 des "Ruthless Kings MC : Atlantic City" de K.L. Savage, consacré à Kansas : il sortira le 8 avril.

“Here we go again! Kansas brings us right back to Atlantic City and his book is INCREDIBLE!!!” – Goodreads reviewer

“Getting to read Kansas was mind blowing! …The Ruthless world that K.L. Savage has created is one I happily fall into with each story!” – Goodreads reviewer
“Holy Hell this is one book you won't want to miss. Another amazing installment in the Ruthless Kings MC story, can't wait for more!!!!” – Spunky N Sassy Book Blog
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Instincts are all we have to rely on.
And mine were spot on.
There are a few things I don’t like to talk about in life.
My father.
And Kansas.
I hate him, and I hate that godforsaken state.
To this day, I haven’t loved because there’s a fear.
An inkling.
An instinct that I will be just like him.
I convinced myself our blood was rotten, tainted, and sour.
I believe I didn’t have the ability to be faithful or loyal.
But then after a blizzard, a sailboat washed to shore.
And she was there.
She’s here at the clubhouse now.
Violet Winston.
A name that matches the fields of lavender of her eyes.
I have no right to want her.
I can’t love her.
I’ll ruin her.
The more I get to know her, the harder I fall.
Usually, there’s a calm after the storm.
But not this time.
Between her father being a drug dealer.
The drugs hidden in the boat.
And the man that wants his drugs.
We are about to feel the havoc of a hurricane.
Truths hit us out of nowhere and they hurt worse than a lie ever did.
Love tests us and rips us open. Friendships are lost. Loyalty is damned. 
I’m not in Kansas anymore.
But Jersey hurts just the same.
#1 Boomer’s Rise

Free in Kindle Unlimited

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