
mardi 2 février 2021

Teaser's Reveal... Extrait VO

Extrait de "Boomer’s Rise" de K.L Savage qui sortira le 11 février.  Merci à Give Me Books Pr

It’s time to rise from the ashes and extinguish the flames.
This is a new start.
A clean slate for not just me or Scarlett, but for everyone else that’s trusted me to make their life better.
Deciding to keep the Atlantic City chapter name was the right move.
Not only is the weight of the members on my shoulders, but the immense responsibility of proving ourselves to the city.
I need the community to accept us, to come to us when we need help, and most importantly, I don’t want them to fear us.
But it isn’t going to be easy.
Nothing worth it ever is.
With a winter storm brewing off the coast, this is our chance to open the clubhouse for people who need shelter.
It’s the perfect opportunity to show who we are.
Protectors. Enforcers. Loyalists.
We have nothing but heart.
The heart?
My Scarlett Rose.
Her support pushes me to be my best.
And right when I think my best is enough, the world falls out from under our feet.
Hell is hot and the flames aren’t forgiving during this journey.
To gain something good, we lose something better.
And we have to rise from the ashes all over again.
“I know good writing and I know PHENOMENAL writing! This is PHENOMENAL writing!” – Goodreads reviewer
“WOW! Welcome to the Atlantic City chapter of the Ruthless Kings… Boomer’s Rise was the perfect start to this side of the world. I laughed, I cried & I enjoyed every single page.” – Amazon reviewer
“K.L. always takes us on amazing journeys and Boomer’s rise, this ride was definitely INCREDIBLE!” – Goodreads reviewer
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Boomer (Book 2 in the Ruthless Kings MC: Vegas Chapter Series)
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