
mercredi 21 octobre 2020

Dans ma pal... service presse VO

le tome 7 des "Ruthless Kings MC" de K.L. Savage consacré cette fois à "Doc" : il sortira le 4 novembre en VO et je remercie, comme pour les précédents -tous chroniqués sur le blog- Give Me Books Promo

Présentation de l'éditeur
She holds a special place in my heart.

The darkest part of it.
A part I never show anyone.
From the moment we met, I wanted to show her all my scars , the need I hide inside.
The woman who wears long sleeve shirts on a hundred-degree day.
She's been away at college and when she comes home, I plan on making her mine.
One phone call.
A broken voice.
Time stands still.
And everything changes.

My plans goes up in smoke when I find her.
Rivers run red. My heart stops.
My chance with her hangs in the hands of fate.
I've turned a blind eye to the help she needs.
What kind of doctor does that make me?
No more. I'll be everything for her.
Doctor. Friend. Lover. Husband.

But I've learned, everything means nothing if she doesn't start caring about herself.
Especially when there is more to her now than there ever was.
I'll carve scars into her enemy and break my oath as a doctor to bring her JUSTICE.

Pour le précommander, c'est par ici :  ebook

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