
vendredi 11 octobre 2019

Dans ma pal... service presse (lecture VO)

"A game changer" de Nikky Kaye qui est sorti hier en VO Merci à Jessica de Inkslinger pr pour son envoi et sa confiance

Présentation de l'éidteur:  

Love the game, not the player.

It’s always a bad sign at an interview when your would-be employer orders you to strip—especially if the job is as the nanny to a grieving little girl. It’s even worse if you’re tempted to do it.
Zach Pennington is a football star and now, suddenly, a single dad to a niece he barely knows. He’s also the most arrogant, clueless, vulnerable, sexy, stubborn, big-hearted man I’ve ever met, but Payton needs me, and I know what it feels like to be orphaned.
I just have to remember Rule Number One.
Zach might be a great player, on the field and off, but I know better than to fall for your boss
By the way, I’m proud to say that I didn’t strip for him—then.

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