
mardi 24 septembre 2019

Release Blitz... sortie du jour (lecture VO)

C'est le jour J pour le tome 6 de la série de bikers "Battle Born MC" de Scarlett Black "Fighting For Forever" : c'est la fin de l'histoire de Kat et Tank (commencé dans le tome 5 "Escaping for Forever) et que je lirai la semaine prochaine :)

Présentation de l'éditeur : 
She wasn’t supposed to leave me.
In fact, she promised me her heart and a forever.
That is, until she left me, and everything went dark.
I lost myself, the Road Captain, and I always know which road to take.
Not this time, not after losing her and my faith in the MC.
With only pieces of her that are left behind, the secrets begin to surface.
I’m left alone and fighting against the truth and the past
Will I find what is real and why she left me in the dark?

#RomanceBooks #AuthorScarlettBlack #BattleBornMC #FightingForForever #KatAndTank #CoverReveal #KindleUnlimited #OneClick #NewRelease #InTheSeries 

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